Chapter 63: My Predicament

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Natsu P.O.V
Monday May 31st

I've decided. Just a few days before the end of the exams, I'll tell Lucy about what's really happening. This secret of mine isn't going to be a burden to someone like Lucy wgo hasn't experienced it first hand. Meanwhile, I'm over here freaking out. I've had a few sleepless nights thinking about it. I feel trapped already.

I was chewing on my pencil while listening to the teacher. I had to focus and pass these exams. I saw Lucy watching me out of the corner of her eye. My eyes widened. Normally it was the other way around. A smile made its way onto my face. I smiled at her and she looked away. Maybe she was feeling what I was feeling. She has been slightly awkward lately. Then again I'm not one to talk.

I'm going to Mira for advice after school. Lucy had told me beforehand she would be picked up by her aunt and that I shouldn't wait for her. For some reason, I feel like Mira will have the right advice. Though I would have liked to spend the time with Lucy but I get it. Family comes first.

Lunch had already passed and it was nearing the end of the last period. 10 or so minutes left until the end. The teacher had given us free time and I was just studying quietly as everyone else was. After hearing how bad last year's students did bad on the exams, everyone was taking these seriously.

The bell rang and I grabbed my books that I brought and went to my locker. I stuffed them in my bag and went to Lucy's locker to tell her I'd see her later. She was nearly putting all the books and items in her bag.

"When will you be back?" I asked.

"Soon I think." She answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Well last time you took a while and I was waiting for a while so I was wondering." I said not meeting her eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll be there for work." She said before giving me a smile.

We both exited the school and went our separate ways. I didn't go to Mira's house directly. I first went to the house to get changed. I got changed quickly and dropped my bag. I picked up Happy and Plue followed me. Lucy wouldn't forgive me if I left them alone for too long as I plan to go to work after going to Mira's house.

I made it to her house and knocked. It was kind of odd. Mira's parents work abroad but they always make sure to visit once in a while. Mira's mom answered the door to my surprise. She gave me a warm welcome.

"I haven't seen you in so long Natsu." She gushed. "How have you been?"

"Fine. Thank you. How have you been?" I asked.

"We came to visit for the week and we were about to leave now. I'll call Mira." She said, welcoming me in.

I sat on the couch. The only reason Mira is a shipper is because both her parents were matchmakers in high school so basically it's a house of matchmakers. I've been told the story of the matchmaker duo so many times I can say it word for word.

Both her parents left while Mira came downstairs.

"Sorry I took so long. My mom said she sensed that you came here to talk about something related to shipping so I had to search around for my Nalu notebook. The second one that is." Mira explained.

"Uh okay." I said.

"So what is it that you came to discuss with me?" She asked.

"Well..." I started awkwardly.

"There's noone except me in the house. Lisanna and Elfman went to see them off at the airport. I was planning to go but my dad said that this would be a game changer and that I should stay." She explained.

"I wanted to ask what it was like when you realized that you liked Laxus. What made you come to that conclusion exactly." I asked.

Mira's face heated up.

"God I don't even want to remember how I first talked to him after I realized." She said. "I literally said and I quote "My name is Miranda Strauss." It was so embarrassing especially knowing that we'd know each other for like five years.:

I laughed.

"What made me come to this conclusion?" She pondered.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well I don't know about other people but I'd always feel butterflies or my stomach would flip. My face would heat up when they did anything that I liked. My heart tended to beat faster. I wanted their attention. Believe it or not, I'm the jealous type. Sometimes them interacting with people would make me jealous which was bad. I was slightly obsessive. I've fixed that behavior over time. I wanted to be the closest to them and I didn't want them to like anyone romantically other than me." She said.

I hid my face in my hand. I can't believe this. My predicament exactly. I really can't believe this.

"Are you experiencing something like that?" She asked teasing.

"No!" I exclaimed.

It probably didn't help that my face was red as ever.

"The deadline is soon Natsu. You better tell her before it comes." She advised.

"I know. I will. Maybe right before the deadline just in case she rejects me." I said.

"I've analyzed Lucy's personality. She doesn't seem like the type to show it when she likes someone. Believe it or not, we've become really good friends and I can now tell. I've dealt with people like her for matchmaking." She said.

"You think?" I asked.

"Yeah." She confirmed.

"Thanks a lot for the advice. I have to get going for work." I said. "Do you mind taking care of Happy and Plue?" I asked.

"I don't mind." She answered.

I ran quickly to work. I ment Lucy on the way. Apparently, her aunt and uncle had to go do something so she had to walk.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No. Nothing." I said quickly.

"You can always tell me what's wrong okay?" She said.

"I know." I whispered quietly, my face red.

Lucy seems more expressive lately. How do I put it easier? It's not like she was closed off before but it does seem like she speaks her mind more. I'm happy with that. She can always tell me.

I'm worried this seems rushed. I hope not. Natsu liked her first for the people who guessed right. Congrats. Another chapter yay! I think there's around 5-15 chapters left. T-T.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.


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