28. Disbelief

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    "You're a what?" the elder exclaimed.

It had to be true. He had accessed the Spirit Plane several times. But now the elder and Nadreen looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I've been to the Spirit Plane. Several times, in fact," Jet explained, trying to remain confident. He knew his cheeks were probably red. He never liked upsetting someone older than him, and yet he had to tell them.

"I know you are a foreigner to our ways, boy, but I had just told you that Planes Walkers don't exist. They were theories, made up by fanatic Spirit Elementalists who yearned to reach the planes."

"It's true though. I was taken into the Spirit Plane just after..." Jet hesitated. He didn't want to explain his story to them about the Emperor. Calling out the Emperor would just make them hate him faster.

Nadreen put her hand on Jet's shoulder. He eyed her as her expression became sympathetic. "You must understand, Jet. The elder has been through many years of Elementalists claiming to hold this power."

"Do you believe me?" he asked.

Nadreen looked to the floor. Jet frowned. Could he prove it to them? The Spirit Plane seemed to only be there when he needed it.

"You do not look as if you have witnessed the Planes, my dear boy," the elder explained.

"All of them? I've only ever been to the Spirit one."

"A Planes Walker's abilities know no bounds when it comes to accessing the other Elemental Planes. They aren't Plane Walkers, they are Planes Walkers."

Still frowning, Jet looked back to the painting. Nadreen let go of him as he walked towards the wall. He studied the image. The painting depicted the plane as a city of some kind. The buildings were green but more defined than the ones Jet had seen before.

"What is the purpose of a Planes Walker? What are they to do with that power?" Jet asked.

"In our Element's case, it is access to the dearly departed. The Spirit Plane is a land just like the one we are standing in now, with people just like us three. I wouldn't see why the other Elemental Planes aren't the same. Entire worlds that are made of pure Element."

Jet sighed. The Plane he had seen wasn't at all like the one the elder described. It was a misty flat land that once had green models of buildings. Maybe he wasn't a Planes Walker. He could have dreamt it all. It wouldn't explain his appearance in Lonava though.

"Look, I know I'm new here, and I have no evidence to make you believe me, but I think I'm one of them," Jet explained as he pointed to the painting. "I think I was brought here to learn that."

The elder simply nodded. He began walking towards the entrance of the temple. Without turning back to Jet, he said, "The Spirits are mysterious, indeed."

Jet watched him leave slowly. He let out another sigh. Nadreen approached him. "I don't know why, but I have a strange feeling that I should believe you."

"Do you really?"

Nadreen nodded. She turned towards the entrance. "We should leave this place. Perhaps you can follow me and tell me your story?" she asked Jet.

"I'd love to," he replied. He had gotten used to telling it by now. He hoped there was a chance to convince her that the Emperor was bad.

The Spirit Elementalist girl grabbed his hand and began to pull him out of the temple. The sun was still beating over head when they stepped outside. It had moved enough for there to be little to no shade before the temple. Jet found it strange that it felt normal to him all of a sudden. The heat didn't burn him or feel uncomfortable. He wondered if the temple had awoken his native feelings.

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