20. Ash for a New World

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Smoke rose from the streets of Calbar. The smell of burning houses filled the air. Wrathel watched as the district was almost wiped out completely. Only a few more houses still stood burning, but it didn't stop him from beginning to set everything up. The link to the northeast was set. His men had already brought back some of the things he needed.

Wrathel roamed the ash covered land. His plate boots sifted through the piles, kicking up clouds of ash to mix with the light snowfall. He had a few workers working on a temporary fence for the district. He knew it would take more hands to make the area enclosed, and that could take months. It was a long project, but Wrathel was in it for the long run.

"Sir," Wrathel's general stated as he approached him.

"What is it general?"

"The scientists and engineers requested your audience. They wanted to finalize some of the shipments and equipment."

Wrathel let out a sigh of annoyance. They were constantly begging for his attention, after he had given them the precise orders several times over the last few months. He turned, his cloak swinging around him, causing ash to be kicked up. It didn't bother the Emperor, but his general let out a few coughs.

The engineers and scientists were a strange bunch to Wrathel. He needed them around because he hadn't always fully understood the old world Element technology. By now, he was pretty confident without them, which caused them to scramble for a purpose to be kept around.

Wrathel had become accustom to striding quickly throughout his city to get where he needed to the fastest. Not even his plate armor could slow him down. It didn't take long for the Emperor to reach his castle once more. He went to his throne room, which had little use these days. Dust had started to settle and cobwebs covered the corners.

"What is it you all want now?" Wrathel exclaimed, not even waiting till he was in his throne.

The team of scientists and engineers all jumped at the shouting. They turned and bowed as their Emperor walked with clanking metal boots barely muffled by the purple carpet that spread to his throne. They waited until he sat down to stand up once again. They stood there quietly.

"Well?" he stated once again.

"Your majesty, lordship, sir," one engineer stuttered to cover all his bases of titles. "We just wanted to go over the supplies you need once more, as the shipments will arrive in a few days and we didn't want to be missing anything."

"If you must. I made a ledger for you lot several times now."

The engineer ignored the Emperor's statement and continued to read their own list. "We have here several thousand pounds of steel-"

"I already know. I have gone over it all myself, several times. Now for the sake of your life and my sanity, will you finalize the orders? I already have my army set up the supply line. I need the materials for the machine."

The engineer nodded slowly. "We'll finalize these now." With that said, they all scurried off out of the throne room. Wrathel let out a sigh. He grew tired of the weak minds and weak hearted. Once his plan was complete, he would have to do something about them.

"My lord," a soul spoke out from near the Empire border.

"What is it?" Wrathel asked.

"A strange caravan has approached from the Kingdom."

Wrathel clenched his fists. He wasn't sure why of all days people had to come to him for things they should already know. "You're at the border for a reason. You check the traders and make sure they have proper trade supplies before letting them pass. Plain and simple." Wrathel almost wished he was there to do something about it, but he had more important things to think about than traders. He was trying to change the world.

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