23. Enemy from the Past

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"There are some ahead. They look to be in the rooms on the side, not in the center hallway," he whispered to his companions.

They didn't reply. Heyvl's mouth became instantly dry as he knew there were soldiers ahead. He gave Jet a nod. He decided to concentrate harder on making his steps extra quiet. He didn't want to be the one to get them caught. Heyvl knew it meant too much to Jet to get caught.

The three moved carefully down the hallway. They kept their eyes out for any windows or doors.

"I'm going to head downstairs for a drink. You wanna come?" Jet heard a voice say in one of the rooms. He gave a quick glance at the other two. They were already beginning to hide. Jet didn't have time to move anywhere but behind the door that he hoped opened outwards toward the hallway.

"Nah, I need to head back up to the top for duty," another voice replied.

"Suit yourself."

"Well we can't be lucky...hell, brave enough to skip our shifts up top."

"The Emperor isn't going to pay us a visit any time soon."

"Don't let the Elementalists hear you say that," the second man said in a whispered tone. Jet could tell that it was even superstition around the Empire's men that the Emperor could tell what every Soul Elementalist was doing. It also let Jet feel relieved that not all the soldiers were going to be Elementalists.

Jet pressed himself against the wall behind the door as it opened with a quick swing. He winced as it came out almost enough to touch him.

"I'd never let those weirdos know. Anyways, I'll be back later."

"Good luck," the second voice said with little hope.

The wooden door creaked slowly as it began to shut on its own. Jet almost wanted to grab it to stop it from doing so when he saw another figure coming from the other direction.

"Where do you think you're going?" the newcomer spoke loudly to the other soldier.

"Grabbing a drink downstairs," he replied without even turning around.

"Shouldn't you be on duty?"

Jet let out a silent sigh of relief as the door opened and blocked him the view of the newcomer. The second soldier from the room exited and looked at his friend.

"I should be drinking."

"Do I need remind you that I am your superior? I report directly to the Emperor himself! You will return to your post."

"Why do I care? The Emperor going to come here himself?"

"No, but you've let intruders inside."

Jet's heart sank immediately. His hand gripped the sword tightly. He knew he was going to need it in a few seconds. The superior's boots clanked as they walked to the door Jet was behind. The door swung over and Jet reacted by thrusting his sword. The Soul Elementalist's eyes drained of the purple aura immediately. Jet knew now that they could see where people were just as he could with his own.

"What the-?" the other two soldiers exclaimed as they watched their superior's body fall to the floor. Jet's hand shook as he held the now bloody sword. He had never killed anyone before, and didn't think he would anytime soon. Did the soldier deserve it, he thought to himself. Were all of the Emperor's men just as blind with power?

"How'd you get in here?!" the first soldier spoke, reaching to his side for a weapon. Jet snapped out of his shock. He was glad to see the soldier had misplaced his weapon. The second one, however, pulled out a saber.

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