Chapter 16

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Yuki's POV:

It was very quiet and dark around me until I heard a loud bang. It sounded like a gun being shot. Not even a seconds later, I felt a stinging pain in my right thigh. I screamed out in pain while I struggled about. However, I could feel a rope around my chest, each arm and each leg, holding me down on a chair.

"Who are you!? What do you want from me!?" I screamed. I couldn't see anything due to me having a blindfold on.

"Oh you don't need to know who I am. Your here because you stole away my Senpai! He was mine and you took him away from me! I won't let you have him! He is mine and only mine!" screamed a feminine voice as I felt more pain in my right. I screamed out more. "Oh and don't think that I will stop for a second! You are going to be punished for taking away my Senpai!"

"Your Senpai!? Hoseok!? He doesn't love you anymore!" I screamed at her. This must of made her even more mad as I felt a dagger being dug into my right arm.

Stab after stab after stab, she attacked me more and more, hurting me more each time. The torture went on for what felt like eternity, but in reality was only a week. The girl continued to hurt me. Suddenly, the pain stopped and I could hear her footsteps lead away from me and up some stairs. She had stopped hurting me for a difference. The footsteps stopped and it was silent for a moment.

"I'll leave you for now, but only because I need to check on my Senpai and I have something special planned for you," she said and then laughed afterwards. I heard a door open and then close. I waited for a moment to see of she was still in the room, but it was dead silent. I lifted my head up a bit and attempted to get one of my arms free to grab her phone from her bra. After a lot of pain and struggling, I was able to free my left arm. I went to grab my phone only to notice that it was gone.

'Damnit! She must've found my phone,' I thought. However, before I moved my hand, I felt something within my skin. Feeling it more, I concluded that it was circular and slightly bumpy. What the hell is in my body?

Jimin's POV:

It has been a week since Yuki had been kidnapped and Jhope had hid himself in his room. Jungkook had being very quiet, along with V. Suga slept less and Namjoon mostly stared at the walls in deep thought. As for me, I was trying to contact my parents as when Yuki first became blind, we decided to place a tracking device in her so we knew where she was at all times. However, when I left to be a trainee, my parents took the tracker with them. This meant that i would have to get the tracker of them to find Yuki. After many painfully slow minutes of the phone dialling, my parents finally answered.

"Hello you are on the phone with Park Alki. how can I help you?" I heard my mum's voice say. A small smile made its way to my face as it has been years since I heard my mother's voice.

"Hey mum. It's been a while," I said. On the other side of the phone, I heard a small gasp.

"Jimin! How have you been? We've missed you so much," my mum said in a very cheery voice.

"Not so well mother. Do you and father still have the tracker that connects to Yuki? She's been kidnapped and it is our only chance of finding her," I explained. There was a long pause.

"We still have it son. We'll meet you outside of the BigHit entertainment building," I heard my father reply. "I suggest to bring your friend and anyone who knows about Yuki's kidnapping."

The call ended and I ran to the kitchen where everyone, but Hobi was.

"I just got of the phone with my parents. They still have the tracker that connects to Yuki. they're coming over and will meet out front," I said. All of the members were happy.

"Wait, why do you have a tracker on your sister?!" asked Yoongi.

"It's a long story that I will tell you another time. Now go get ready while I go and tell Hobi," I replied.


Quickly, all of the members went our separate ways. Jimin walked over to Jhope's door and knocked.

"Hobi i have some good news. My parents still have the tracker connected to Yuki and they are coming here to help us find her," Jimin said. I got no reply until the door opened and i saw a very messy Hobi.

"You kept your promise. I'll fix myself and then we leave. I don't want to even think about what Eclipse has done to Yuki, but we must be careful. She might be watching us when we meet up with your parents," said Hobi. for a difference, Jimin actually saw Hobi smile a little.

'We're coming Yuki. I promise once this is all over, I will tell you everything you need to know about Eclipse and anything else you want to know about my past,' Hobi thought while he ran into his bathroom to fix himself.

Meanwhile, Yuki was still tied to the chair, but she had taken off her blindfold so she could see where she was. She was in a dusty basement that was full of cobwebs. But that was even the worse thing there. Blood and old corpses were splatter all around the basement. Yuki was able to figure out that she had a tracking device in her, which gave her a bit of hope.

'Please come and save me! I don't know how much longer I can last.' Yuki thought before she passed out from blood loss.

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