Chapter 2

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The world around me spun. The words spoken sounded as if they were said by multiply people surrounding me. My whole body went numb. I could feel anything. My body started shaking without me knowing. I became so scared that my breath started to shorten. The person holding me held me tighter, almost as if they didn't want to let me go.

"Yuki listen to me okay. Concentrate on my voice. It's me your brother Jimin. I'm here and I promise you I will never leave you alone for that long ever again," the voice said, confirming it was Jimin. The words he said slowly became more clear. His voice had the hint of worry, but mostly sadness. He was sad that he had left me alone for so long. Eventually, my panic attack stopped, and I calmed down.

I had enough courage to open my eyes. Even though I couldn't see anything, I could feel all the eyes in the room on me. This made me feel every uncomfortable as I've only had Jimin or my parents eyes on me. Thankfully, my knight in shining armour saved me.

"let's stop staring at her guys. Can't you see that she is getting uncomfortable with the number of eyes on her," said a male voice. It was high pitched but at the same time very deep. After they said this, I felt the number of eyes disappear. Only now did I notice that my body was tense, and I was sweating. My body quickly calmed down. The arms of my brother were still round me, but this time his grip was slightly looser. The word he last told me haunted me to this day...

I turned my body around, so I was facing him. He had larger muscle then he use to. Obviously, his being here was a good thing seeming as he had become more fit and strong. There was a moment of silence before I decided to make a move.


I had hit when I believed Jimin's cheek was. After this whole time, did he really think that I would forgive him so easily. I quickly got out of his grasp and stood up.

"after everything, did you really think I wouldn't forget what happened before you left?"


It was a normal day for me, other than me accidently falling down the stairs. It was currently dinner time and I could smell Army Stew. My mother only ever made this meal on special occasions or for when there was some news. This got me worried as we rarely ever have any special occasions.

"now that everyone is here, we have an announcement to make," said my father." We were just told this, but me and your mother have to go on a trip to America for work. This means that Yuki you will have to live with your Ahjumma (auntie)."

"wait why do I have to go live with my Ahjumma? Why can't I stay here with Jimin?" I asked in a quiet, meek voice.

"umm well I just found out that I got accepted into BigHit Entertainment and well I am becoming a trainee so most of the time you will be left alone, and we can't leave you alone due to, you know, you being blind and all," jimin said. This made my blood boil, as he was saying that I can't be trusted alone due to me being blind.

"Just because I am blind doesn't mean that I can't be left alone by myself! I've practically been by myself even since that accident as Jimin has always been at school or with his friends and you two have been at work! So why have you all suddenly started caring about me!?" I shouted. My anger was getting the best of me which wasn't good since I have a short temper. "I am not living with Ahjumma! And you can't force me to!"

"we don't care! You are living with your Ahjumma whether you like it or not," screamed Jimin.

*smack* *thump*

My own brother had slapped me. I fell to the floor sue to the amount of force he had used. I felt a liquid slowly fall down my cheek. He obviously had his ring I gave him on as it was what cut me. I looked over to where I thought he was and screamed,

"I hate you! I wish I never had a brother like you!" I ran out of the house ever returning.

*End Flashback*

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