Chapter 12

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Yuki's POV:

I walked back into the room i woke up in and saw a young man sitting in a chair wearing a white coat and he was looking at a file. He heard me enter the room and stopped looking at the file and faced me. That was when i noticed who it was.

"Damien?" i asked, shocked.

"Did you miss me darling?" he asked as he got up from the chair and made his way towards me. Everytime he took a step forward, i took a step back until my back made contact with the wall behind me. He got so close to me that i could feel his chest against my breasts. He smashed his hands either side of my head, caging me in.

"I missed you darling. Every since you left me, i couldn't stop thinking about you and all the special times we had together. Why did you leave me!?" he shouted as he got so close to me that i could feel our noses touching. "I am so lucky to work here. I thought i would have to find you to make you mine again, but it looks like you came back to me."
By the time he had finished talking, he had changed positions and moved his hands onto my hips and placed his head between my neck and shoulder. Every second that went by made me more scared and want to call out to Jhope more.

"I told you, i don't want to be with you anymore. You took advantage of me being blind and abused me both mental and physically. Thanks to you, i am very self conscious about my weight and showing off my skin from all of the scars you left on my body. I have moved on," i said in a quiet voice while tears crawled out from my eyes and went down my cheeks. After i said this, his grip on my hips got tighter. So tight that i knew there was going to be a bruise later.

"You might have moved on, but i never will. You are mine and only mine. Will i have to show you that again my love?" he replied. Straight after, he bit into my skin.

I screamed in pain and started to thrash about. This made him bit harder and move his hands from my hips to my wrists, holding them in front of my body. Using one of him hands, he grabbed something from behind him. Once i saw what it was, i screamed louder.

He held the exact same knife that was used to cut not only my body, but was also a reason why i never had a boyfriend after him. Quickly moved away from my neck and slashed the knife against my cheek causing it to bleed. He still had ahold of my wrists so i couldn't cover it up. He moved close to my face and licked away the blood that was pouring out from the cut. My screams must have been very loud as security and a few members of BTS came in and saw what was happening. Security quickly seized at Damien and forced him away from me. Suga, RapMon and V made their way towards me and cuddled me as i fell to the floor.


I was currently sat in a room with all of BTS. the cut on my cheek had be wrapped up along with my now red and bruised wrists. I was sitting on Jhope's lap as he was patching up my neck. Everyone was quiet, obviously not sure what happened and didn't know how to start the conversation, so i started it.

"I suppose you all want an explanation of what happened. The man who attacked me was Damien, my ex boyfriend. I broke up with him years ago and the truth is that he abused me. I was blind at the time i was dating. He took advantage of that and abused me in ways i will NEVER forget. I broke up with him, but obviously he still loved me in a obsession way. I didn't know it was him until i went into the room and saw his face properly for the first time. He is the reason why i have barely dated anyone. After what he did to me, i saw men as the same, but Jhope made me see men differently," i explained. After i finished explaining, no one said a word. I assumed they were still processing everything i had just said.

"Is he the reason why you have nightmares at night and cut your wrists and legs?" asked V. i couldn't look anyone in the eyes so i looked down at my hands and slowly nodded. Jhope's grip around me had gotten tighter and he hid his face in my back.

"He must have done something very bad to you as you said you would never do that. Not after what happen to your old friend." replied Jimin.

"Well, i never realised that i had that much of an impact on you Yuki. i am very disappointed to hear that you are cutting and that Damien had abused you," said a voice that i haven't heard in years.



If any of you are dealing with cutting or anything of the sort then you can talk to me about it. I understand what you are going through as i have done it more then once.

not many of you might understand where i got the name Damien from. Damien is a character that one of my favourite youtubers used in their asmr series. PANDATASTIC ASMR. the character is a vampire that kidnaps you so that was were i got the inspiration from to write this chapter. and just to be clear, Damien is NOT a vampire in this book. he just happens to like to se people in pain and likes the taste of blood.

if you could please share this book with your friends. I am trying to make this popular as it includes many problem that people are facing.

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