Chapter 7

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"Jimin-ah, did you really think it would take four hours for us to get everything on the shopping list? Jin actually took me to the hospital," I said as I walked out from behind Jin. I was now standing in the middle of the room with everyone's eyes on me.

"Yuki, your eyes! Wait... CAN YOU SEE ME!?!?" screamed Jimin as he came running towards me, looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Yes Oppa. Jin took me to the hospital where I had a surgery that made me be able to see you again. Look how handsome you have become. Your skin looks so soft and smooth and let's not forget your hair," I ranted as tears came welled up in my eyes. I was so happy that Jimin had a positive reaction. I was scared he would hate the fact I had the surgery before telling him. "the only people who knew about this was Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. They were very support of my decision and was there for me the whole time."

"I am glad to hear that the Hyung where supportive, but why didn't you come to me first? I am your big brother after all." Questioned Jimin. There was a hint of hurt in his voice. This made me very scared and worried that he was going to get mad at me and he was going to slap me again.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you. I thought that if I were to tell you then you would end up hating me and getting mad at me again. I thought you were going to slap me again. I'm sorry," I said. Tears started streaming down my eyes like waterfalls. I didn't tell him for selfish reasons. I coved up my face with my hands and ran to the room I was currently living in and locked the door before anyone could follow me inside. I fell to the floor, hugging my knee close to my chest, my head in-between them.


Hours past and I was still huddle up in my room against the door. I hadn't moved a muscle. Each of the members tried to get me out of my room, but nothing worked. Jin made me food, Namjoon tried giving me advice, Jungkook tried to break down my door, but was stopped by Jimin, Suga sung a song to me and Jimin tried talking to me about past memories and how we used to be so close. As for Jhope, he didn't even try to get me out of the room. He was the only member that hasn't tried. Minutes pasted when I heard someone knock on my door from behind me.

"Yuki-ah please come out. All of the members are worried about you. Jimin is crying and Suga is close to as well. You are like a sister to all of us," said a voice from the other side of the door. The voice belonged to Jhope. For some reason, Jhope's words really hurt me. It felt as if my heart had been crushed into a million pieces. Only then did I realise that I had done something I promised myself I would never do. I fell in love with Jhope.

"you can't make me leave Hoseok. The other members have tried everything. Just give up," I replied in a meek voice. My voice was laced with mixed emotions. Hurt, sadness and... anger. I was mad at myself for falling for someone who only sees me as a sister and for falling for one of my brother's friends.

"I understand how you feel Yuki. But I learned not to beat myself over it and just to be who I am. However, I can tell from your voice that you have something else on your mind," he said. There was a small pause before he started talking again. "it's funny. I told myself that I wouldn't fall for the sister of my best friend but look, I already have."

I slowly stood up and turned so I was facing my door. Cautiously, I unlocked my door and opened it a tiny bit. There I saw a messy Jhope. His hair was a mess and he had no make up on. He seemed tired. I took one step out of my room and then ran over to Jhope where I gave him a tight hug while bursting into tears. It took a moment, but he hugged me back with as much force.

"Even if you don't like me back, I promise I will always be there for you. No matter what," he replied. Slowly, I raised my head, looking him in the eyes. Our faces where getting ever so closer to each other until we were only a centimetre away from each other. After a small pause, Jhope closed the gap. Our lips connected and moved in synch. Eventually, we parted due to the loss of oxygen. After a moment, his lips smashed onto mine again. It felt like pure bliss. Like fireworks were going of around us.

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