We just gotta get out

(gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out)

If these skyscrapers, tumble down and crash around baby

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

And if we fall

It's not your fault

Shadows covering

Our selfish foes

And as our love,

Can go out on a high note

Even when the sky is falling down

Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet

Around my feet

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to it's knees then baby

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

(gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out)

If these skyscrapers, tumble down and crash around baby

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out

As they finished the rest of the song I made eye contact with the one and only Luke. but nervously looked away with a light shade of pink on my face.
I barely know him and I'm blushing?

"Soooo. what did you think?" they all asked in unison staring excitedly at me waiting for my response.

"It was actually really good guys." I said smiling. once when I said that they all had a huge smile on their face and ran over to hug me no caring that I still had paint on me.

" Guys... cant.. breathe" I said between gasps.

"Sorry, but Ashton was so doubtful about you thinking we were good." the guy with black hair said getting off of me while everyone had spots of green paint on them.

"Oh yeah I'm Calum" he introduced himself.

"Michael" the guy with colorful hair said.

"Luke" he said while going back to fix his guitar.

"Let's go out for breakfast to celebrate!" Ashton cheered.

As we all piled into Ashton's car, Calum was in the front seat while I was in the middle of Luke and Michael. after a long, loud trip to IHOP we all got seated and to our table.

"Alex, the guys are sleeping over tonight so can you go to the store and get stuff for us, I've made a list." Ashton said passing the list.

"Okay I'll go after this" I said pointing to my breakfast.

"I'll go with her." Luke insisted.

"I have to get stuff from the store that I've forgot." He said covering up.

"Okay, fine we'll meet you back at the house." Michael said.

~~~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~

We had to walk to the store since it was only a couple blocks away. we had to get chips, cookies, two sodas, and a bunch of other things. A couple of minutes as we got into the store Luke had wondered off somewhere. As I gathered all the food into the cart I started to grab me some snacks like granola bars, yogurt, fruit because I'm probably gonna be stuck in my room the whole night so I won't get 'pranked' again by the guys.

As I tried to reach for my Arizona tea I saw a hand above me grab it for me. it was Luke.

"Where have you been I've been looking around for you" I questioned.

"I told you. I had to get some stuff but let's go check out." he said leading me to the checkout line.

"That'll be $53.38" the cashier said. as I was about to pay for it Luke had already paid for it.

"You didn't have to do that" I said.

"I wanted to" he simply said walking off with the bags.

While we walked back all the way to the house. Luke stopped me at the door and asked " are we friends?"

"Probably not since you're friends with my brother and been going along with his pranks.

"I'll prove it to you" he said.

"That's gonna take some time." I smirked walking into the house taking the bags from his hands.

Tonight is gonna be fun.


A/N here's chapter 1! Hoped you like it.

--------> A video of the guys singings <3

------------------> how the girl is supposed to look like but she got cut off.

My Brothers best friend (5sos)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ