Chapter 31

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After few days of anniversary party and surprise by Shivaay.... Our Om and Gauri agreed to get ready for marriage after being inspired by our couple SHIVIKA

Now let's see our couple SHIVIKA....


Shivaay is waiting for Anika in their room....

Anika was peeping through the window to enter the room....

( Why is she peeping.....?)

and checking.....

( What is she checking for....??)

Whether Shivaay slept or not......🤔🤔🤔🤔

( Anika ji what happened....????)

Anika is waiting restlessly..... She just wanted to change her clothes and sleep as she is very well tired of looking after the arrangements....

Anika pov

( I sincerely warning better say requesting you to not throw anything or scold me after knowing the reason for Anika hide and seek game)

It was my mistake only.... I'm not a good wife.... It was so embarrassing after that day.... I could not show my face.....

Very good Anika now go to hell.,... You are the worst of the world....

And remembered the flashback....


That night after Anika found the room to be empty..... She panicked and called Shivaay....

He did not pick up the phone but in return received a message....

" My dear Panika don't get panic. I am waiting outside for you.... Please wear the dress which I brought for you and it is in your wardrobe.. . Please be comfortable... 

Your Billuji.."

Anika smiled and went to wardrobe  to see the 👗... It is neatly packed....

She opened the dress and was shocked to see it...

She opened the dress and was shocked to see it

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