BGM - Hemmings 01

Start from the beginning

Guess who has to go to the Hemmings household today?


Tell me if he's moping

Will do

"Y/N! COME ON! YOUR FATHER'S HOME SO WE CAN GO!" Your mother yelled in the direction of your room. You pocketed your phone and slipped on your black flats on the way down the stairs.

"I'm ready!" You smiled as soon as you saw the cake in her arms.

"Alright, we're going to walk down so you can lead the way," your father opened the door and gestured you out.

"I'm honored," you said as you walked outside and made a left at the sidewalk.

Your parents chatted behind you as you walked down the street to your destination. You had a little time to think on the way, and you ultimately decided you didn't care about Luke that much anymore, you would be free from your awkwardness and enjoy your dinner without worrying about him.

So, when you knocked on the door and he answered, wearing probably the tightest blue sweater known to man that really brought out his eyes and looked incredibly soft to the touch, you barely noticed.

"Hello Luke! How are you today?" You asked as your parents climbed up the steps behind you.

Luke seemed mildly surprised by your warm greeting, "I'm doing alright, thank you for asking. Hello Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N."

"Hi sweetie! Oh you've gotten so big!" You rolled your eyes as Luke moved out of the way to let you in and your mother immediately fawned over him. You always joked he was her favorite child.

"Mrs. Y/L/I, you saw me last week!" Luke giggled and stepped out of her reach.

"Luke! Are they here?!" You could here Jack yelling down the hallway. You had no idea why he was home from college, but you couldn't complain, he had always been nice to you even when Luke ditched you.

"Yea," Luke closed the door behind him, "they're here."

And so Jack came down the hallway as your mother and father went to see his parents, saying his greetings before stopping in front of you and Luke.

"Y/N!" He pulled you into a tight hug, "How's senior year so far? Isn't homecoming coming up? Do you have a date?"

You chuckled and pulled away, "senior year is good, yes homecoming is this weekend and no I don't have a date."

Jack shrugged, "just making sure there wasn't anybody I needed to have a chat with. Luke doesn't have a date either."

You nodded and pretended to be surprised even though you already knew and Luke likely knew that you knew.

"Boys! Y/N! Dinner!" Luke and Jack's mother, Liz, called down to you.

You and Jack raced down the hallway while Luke trudged behind you. Oh he was definitely moping. For once, you and Jack were allowed to sit next to each other which resulted in some pretty amazing jokes that Luke only groaned at. (What was his problem?) Then of course after dinner, you got a slice of heaven in the form of chocolate cake to eat.

"So Y/N," Mrs. Hemmings addressed you while you were savoring your dessert, "are you excited for the game and dance this weekend?"

You swallowed and nodded, "yeah, I've always loved homecoming."

"She's not going with anyone this year," your mother said like it was a secret, "Michael has a date."

"Michael Clifford?" Mr. Hemmings asked for clarification like he couldn't believe it.

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