Infinity Stones

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When you read this book, please please please keep your thoughts to yourself about the Infinity Stones. I don't care anymore. I'm done arguing with people about what color the Stones are and where they're supposed to be in MY FANFIC.

I gave you all a guide in "I", yet some of you choose to ignore it and point out that I'm doing it all wrong. I work the Gems into the story MY way so it flows so that's why they aren't where they are in the movies, which by the way aren't totally 100% accurate with the comics, so try again! Just remember, MY fanfic, MY rules, MY story line. Although I do try to make the facts about the books(unless I add my own obvious twist) as correct as possible.

So all, please refrain from commenting about the Infinity Stones inaccuracy, I know it's different, it's intended, or I WILL TAKE DOWN THIS BOOK AND NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO READ IT AND MAYBE TELL ME THAT IM APPARENTLY WRONG IN MY FANFIC. This is not an empty threat, I will take it down if I keep receiving any more comments about the Gems.

Thank you all that have not commented about this, which is half or a little more so a small majority. I'm sorry if I do take it down for your sake, but I've had enough of this.

Thank you for reading,


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