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Walking as quick as I could through SHIELD without losing my way, I read the files and tried to out walk the dark skinned man next to me. Multitasking in itself was a piece of blue cake, but with Nick Fury by your side and the day already having a rough edge to it, the task wasn't as smooth.

"You had to wake me up from my nap, exactly at this time?" I growled at the director.

"Well, to be fair I didn't know you were napping, but that explains all the unfinished paperwork."

I made a sound in the back of my throat and shoved the folder into the directors chest stopping him momentarily. I did my work, I was just given some extremely boring ones that I believed weren't important enough to do.

"Why is Loki part of the avengers?" I questioned him to get him off subject.

He sighed before shaking his head and answering. "He was controlled during the invasion and build up to it."

"Thought so." I replied.

Fury looked at me like a baffled monkey before retaining his regular posture. I had my own opinions on Loki, after all, he brought the invasion to New York. That says something, but that battle also cost my mother and step father their lives.

When we reached the room I assumed held the infinity stone, I didn't expect a group of scientists running around like something was chasing them. There was no danger that I assessed, so I just cocked my head to the side and looked at Nick.

"One day I need to retire." He mumbled, putting a hand to his forehead. "What's going on?"

They all froze, panic on their faces as their boss caught them off task. Slowly some man approached the director looking down as he talked. Clearly nervous, but of what I couldn't tell.

"The infinity stone, it attacks anyone that comes near it. We haven't gotten much info on it, so it's best you take it to Thor."

I frowned, it was fine with me. Besides the five minutes it tried to kill me. I walked closer to the tank holding it, a clear box. Placing my hand on the glass, I waited. At first the stone tried attacking where my hand was placed, but after a few moments it sensed familiarity and calmed down, cozying up to my palm.

All the scientists gasped and looked at me confused and fearful. I smirked at them, scaring them a bit more. Suddenly, the wall blasted open. Everyone flew into the wall, but I was close enough to the pedestal holding the infinity stone that I could grab hold and not fly.

Everyone was knocked out, chitauri came flooding through the hole in the wall. Faintly I could see the outline of a portal with a stand of power next to it containing the transporter.

"Grab the soul gem!" One of the chitauri ordered the rest.

Their gazes fell on me, great. They roared charging at me. Instantly I narrowed my eyes and straightened. I pulled my Olympian silver sword out of its sheath and stepped in front of the "soul gem."

Several of them had guns and started randomly shooting at me. I cursed and dove to the side, taking the box with me. Good thing I did too, because next thing I knew, the box had shattered as a bullet hit it.

Glass showered me, embedding itself in my hair and skin. I hissed as I slid along the floor, clutching the stone as I did. The green gem grew hot and liquified, sliding up my shirt, resting on my heart, before traveling down to my left hand and clamping down on my finger like a ring.

I decided I'd figure it out later, but right now my boss and little science buddies were in danger. As well as anybody else in SHIELD. I needed to shut the portal down.

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