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"Did you sleep last night?" Natasha's voice asked, jarring me out of thought.

"I did."

"Don't lie to me." Natasha warned.

I looked up at her,"I'm not. Perseus visits me in my dreams. I wouldn't miss that."

I went back to stroking Perseus' hair. It's been two weeks. The team's gone on one mission since then. I'd unfortunately been dragged along. Good news, Tartarus' places on Midgard were now diminished, and he either resided in himself, or space.

Perseus still hasn't woken, and the final battle is drawing in close. Tartarus has Perseus weak, and all he needs is power from the gems. Perseus is in the process of becoming an immortal, with all six gems embedded in his left forearm. He is vulnerable right now.

The prevention book of the Norns was being heavily protected in Asgard's vaults. Everything is either all in or all out. I knew Tartarus would act soon, so unlike being a mindless boyfriend, I train. I've been training, staying healthy, and uniformly visiting Perseus. I was ready.

"Can you take the tube out of Perseus' urethra, and replace it?" Bruce asked me.

I started, when did he get here? I turned around, and was met with Bruce in his doctor's coat. He was looking at some papers on a clip board, and holding out a clear tube for me to take. I held it unsurely. It wasn't connected to anything, but like all tubes, it could be.

"Perseus' uret—what?" I tried repeating what he said, epically failing.

Bruce looked at me over his glasses,"Urethra. His piss hole."

I wrinkled my nose,"What? Why?"

The doctor rolled his eyes,"Would you rather have me do it? You're his boyfriend. If he has to go, I don't want him making a mess."

I quickly snatched the tube back,"How do I do it?"

Bruce locked the door so no one would burst in and see Perseus' privates. Bruce slowly explained, and then left me to redo Perseus' IV's, and other stuff. I glanced at the tube in my hand, and the one I had to change. If I do this wrong, please don't let it hurt Perseus.

"There you go, Loki!" Bruce praised over my shoulder.

"Shoo, mortal!" I hissed, hiding Perseus.

Bruce rolled his eyes,"I've already seen his stuff. I put the first one in."

I glared at him,"Erase it from your mind then!"

Bruce chuckled instead, unfazed,"I wish I could. I don't need another man's parts in my brain. Perseus is really helpless when you cast your charms on him."

I placed a soft kiss on Perseus head,"He is, but so am I."

"You're so whipped." Tony's voice interrupted, making us both jump.

The door was open with Ironman suited up. Clint Barton was in his uniform as well. They looked at us pointedly, waiting for us to get it. I scowled, I didn't want to go on another mission. Perseus was still out, and I didn't not want to be here when he woke.

"I'm not leaving." I growled.

"We aren't either." Pietro's voice input.

I turned, and saw the rest of the team gathered, a frown on their faces. Everyone was ready for battle, excluding Bruce and I. Never mind, the doctor had shed his coat, and was ready to rip out the Hulk. I narrowed my eyes, calling upon my magic. Soon enough, I was dressed for war. My knives in my belt, my hat on my head, and my staff leaning against Perseus' bed.

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