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That was the last thing he said before his eyes slipped closed. I got out my knife, ready. I had already called Fury, and he assured me he was on his way with multiple doctors. Then it happened, the agent stopped breathing. Loki didn't notice at first, soothingly pushing back his boyfriend's hair.

"Perseus?" He probed.

He got no answer. Loki froze in his gentle ministrations. The god frowned, cupping Perseus' cheek. He said the agent's name again, rubbing a finger under his eye. Then he started panicking, shaking the young man desperately.

"Perseus? Answer me! Please?" Loki had started to scream now,"Perseus! WAKE UP!"

An unwelcome tear had slid down my face. I put a hand on Loki's shoulder, prying him off of the deceased Agent. It was hard, but I managed to force the emotional god behind me. Then I took Perseus left forearm in my hand, and painstakingly raised the knife.

Just as Loki screamed at me, I brought it down, tearing a line in the underside of Perseus' from his wrist to his elbow. The Gauntlet had crumbled to the ground when Perseus' breathed his last. Now the gems just spun aimlessly on the floor under him.

The Agent's blood spilled onto the concrete. Quickly, before I could be stopped by the distressed god of lies, I hauled Perseus body to the salt lake. I threw him in it, albeit not as far as I usually could, watching him sink. I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around. Next thing I knew, I was socked in the face by a furious Loki.

"I'm going to kill you." He promised.

"Wait, Loki." I interrupted, tripping over my own feet.

"No!" He snarled,"You just put another hole in him and threw him away like trash. Did you want him dead? Is that it? Were you scared of him? Jealous?"

I backed up,"No—listen to me. I didn't have any bad intentions towards him. It's part of the process—"

"SHUT UP!" Loki roared, transforming into the blue giant.

I fell back, raising my hands in defense,"Perseus told me to!"

Suddenly, I was gripped by the throat, and raised into the air. I gasped for breath, clawing at his monstrous hands. His red eyes glared at me with so much emotion, but I didn't see the hate I expected. His eyes were dimmed by the tears swimming in the red color.

"What?" His voice was deep, but deadly calm.

"He knew he was going to die." I gasped,"He told me last night, in the kitchen."

His grip tightened on my throat,"What did he say?"

I tapped weakly on his fist, and he reluctantly loosened his grip. I took a deep breath to gain some air, but I was roughly shaken by the impatient god. I glared at him until he set me on the ground. I massaged my neck, and started to explain in a low voice.

"Perseus told me he had a dream. He said he was going to die today, but he didn't know exactly when, or how."

"What else did he say?" Loki questioned me, in his regular form,"Why did you cut him?"

I bit my lip,"He made me promise to slash a hole in his forearm, and throw him in the nearest salt water. I don't know why, but he said nothing bad should happen."

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