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"Hydra? No, Perseus! I—" Loki's voice was cut off when said person grabbed my and Wanda's shoulders and vanished.

I instantly doubled over when our feet touched the ground. I felt my lunch coming back up, but managed to swallow it. I straightened, and found my sister with her hand holding my stomach, panting softly.

Perseus was to the side observing us silently. His piercing eyes seeing right through me, it was a bit unnerving. I've only known him for about six months, and still knew close to nothing about him.

Although, based off what the rest of the avengers say, they still only knew a minimum about him after working with him for a little over a year. Loki was the only one who actually knew him, but I guessed Steve and Tony were the next to know him.

Natasha and Clint a close second. Surprisingly, Bruce and Thor knew only a little less than the two agents even though they spent the most time with Perseus. I didn't expect the Agent to grab Wanda and I to take on this mission because we barely associated with him.

Every morning for six months, he would go for a walk with Tony and Steve. Who knows what they talk about, or where they go. Then he would have a breakfast or coffee with the two agents.

They would go out, and then to SHIELD after to finish their work for the day. Once they returned, Perseus, Thor, and Loki would go into the training room and perfect his control on the infinity stones.

Then a little after noon, he would take Bruce somewhere, like to the park or movies, sometimes even a place where they would come back with ice on their clothes. After that hour or so, it was Loki's time until dinner, not that he didn't join in the other activities of his boyfriend's.

We would all gather for dinner to become a close team. Talk about our day, and get to know each other more. Which I personally thought was good, and after we'd do a bonding thing. For instance, last night we went old school and played the wii.

Let me clarify, Tony Stark wii, consisting of 11 people at once. Not something fun and laughable, something competitive. Mario cart, and super Mario bros, rigged by the genius himself. Everyone actually participated in the games last night.

Half the time, Perseus refrains from joining in on our bonding. Watching from the side with at least one other person, whether it be Loki, or someone else who didn't feel like joining for the night.

I think it had to do something with his view of his mission. Steve told me he was assigned to work with the team by the director, so I guess Perseus' refusal to bond with the team was because he wanted to be professional in his work. Which brought me back to the conversation I just witnessed.

"So... what's gay intercourse like?" I asked, startling him.

He looked at me with considerably widened eyes, a blush creeping up onto his face. Perseus' sputtered, unsure what to say, and his intimidating demeanor left. Now he was a human, just like us. I saw Wanda in the background muttering while rolling her eyes.

"Aren't you a bit old to be asking what sex is like?" Perseus' shot back.

He turned his back on me, and started walking in the opposite direction. I frowned, and speeded towards Wanda, grabbing her around the waist, and catching up with Perseus. I followed his line of site, and saw a large building that looked small in the distance.

"I know what sex is like, but how's it go when you're with another man?" I questioned curiously.

He shook his head,"I can't believe we're having this conversation."

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