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I could barely think, I was in so much pain. Not to mention the exhaustion, I haven't had a wink of sleep since the battle of Ultron. Well, besides when I got knocked out, but that doesn't count.

"You're doing well for someone as small as you," Atlas taunted me.

I tried to take a deep breath, but my ribs ached from the exertion. I had a smart remark on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't savor enough energy to spit it out. Atlas roared in laughter, wandering over to Tartarus.

"Are you sure he'll come?" Atlas asked Tartarus annoyed.

Tartarus growled,"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Atlas eyes widened, and he stuttered,"N-no, of course I don't."

Tartarus snarled,"Then trust me. Agent Jackson, Perseus Jackson, whoever he is, his fatal flaw is still loyalty. He'll come for his boy toy."

"Boyfriend." I grunted in pain.

"What?" Tartarus asked.

"Boyfriend." I hiss, readjusting my grip on the sky.

They both laughed. Sweat dripped from my forehead, and my vision went black a couple times. Next time I opened my eyes, Tartarus was in front of me grinning like a maniac. Then he crushed my foot under his.

I cried out in pain, my knee buckling. I screamed as I landed on my knees, the weight of the sky falling with me. It was slowly crushing me, and I couldn't stop it. A tear slid down my face, I'm sorry, Perseus.

Suddenly the weight was lifted off me. I crumpled to the ground in relief, my shoulders free from the sky, and no pressure on my body. The pain was still running in my veins, and my vision and hearing flickered in and out, but I was free. I was roughly flipped on my back and Thor's worried face came into view.

"Brother! Are you well?" He boomed loudly.

If I had the energy I would've rolled my eyes at his stupidity, but I could only turn my head towards my savior. My gratefulness soon turned to horror as Perseus kneeled under the sky.

Both of his legs from the knee down were strapped inside boots. He was grasping the sky with both of his hands and it lay on his back, shoulders, and neck. Perseus was in his usual attire, and his weapons sheaths were all full. I tried to protest, I couldn't let him do this, at least I was a god.

"N-No," I pleaded weakly,"Please, Perseus... don't."

He smiled, but it was strained. Perseus' body from what I could see was already drenched in sweat. His muscles shook from the exertion, and a strip of his hair was slowly turning silver.

"Get him out of here, Thor." Perseus ordered, gasping.

My eyes widened. I pushed weakly against my brother, slapping away his hands. I couldn't leave Perseus. He was dying, I can't. I screamed bloody murder as Thor transported us out of California. When we reappeared, not even seconds later, my face was decorated in tears.

I pounded weakly on my brothers chest. He took me away from him. Perseus, I left him. I sobbed, I couldn't go back, I was too weak. Thor gently laid me on the couch, pouring cold water down my throat.

"Why did you do it?" Thor asked me quietly.

I turned my eyes on him, chocking through my tears,"I thought it was you..."



I grunted in pain as the sky got heavier. Relief flooded me when Thor took Loki away, the first part of the plan was done, but if part two didn't commence, I was going to collapse soon.

My body spasmed as another wrack of pain went through me. My eyes closed involuntarily as I lost the energy to keep them open. My breathing was slowing as the I was crushed under the sky, a little respect for Atlas for holding this for eternity.

"Incoming, Agent Jackson." Wanda warned.

I had little time to react as I was hit with the full weight of Atlas. Wanda had used her powers to slingshot him in my place, putting him in his rightful spot. I rolled until I was a safe distance from Atlas.

Stark was instantly above me, pouring a bucket of seawater over my body. I was immediately energized, I rolled over so I was on my knees. Pietro had run Wanda back to the helicarrier so she was safe.

Part two complete, I watched as Pietro came back and grabbed Rogers, disappearing for the last time. He wasn't returning, I was to finish the last part of the plan, and Stark would get me out of here.

We had only brought the ones with supernatural powers, it was a quick extraction. Now that everyone's part was done, I was to destroy this place, and grab the last gem from Tartarus.

What I didn't notice before was the strange glimmer around Tartarus. I narrowed my eyes, and slowed time everywhere except around Stark and I. He grabbed me around the armpits and swung me like a javelin.

Once I was facing Tartarus, he let go of me. I let go of time, and grabbed ahold of space. I vanished from my direct path of Tartarus, and came at him from above instead. We both went down.

My fingers curled around the red bracelet around his right wrist. Before I could even think of yanking it off, it liquified and slithered around my right wrist. It hardened, and glowed fiercely.

Suddenly I had a sword in my hand. My eyes widened in surprise, but I went with it, using it for its intended purpose. Something went wrong though, the sword went through Tartarus, not piercing him at all.

He suddenly started laughing. Tartarus punched me off of him, and I went flying into Stark's arms. He stood up, and brought out a wicked looking sword, along with a ragged book.

"Asgard has a lot of enemies,"Tartarus stated smugly,"They gladly gave me a book of magic to protect me from the infinity stones."

"Retreat to Starks." I ordered through the com-link.

I grasped Stark's forearm and with the energy I had left from the water, vapor traveled us to his tower. There was Loki hysterical, calling out for me. My eyes softened, and the agents, Bruce, Vision, and Thor let me through.

Well, Stark through, because frankly, my legs were still injured. I was dropped, and I collapsed on top of Loki, laying my head on his chest. I wrapped my fingers through his, and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

His eyes snapped to mine, and his arms suffocated me in a hug. Loki's lips connected with mine in the most passionate kiss we've had. After, he relaxed, his body finally accepting it's exhaustion. His eyes closed and his breathing evened out.

We were both shaking from our time with the sky, but we were comfortable with each other. I started falling asleep on him, and I could tell he was about to visit Morpheus too. I rubbed the back of his hands with my fingers gently.

"It's ok, Loki." I whispered soothingly,"I'm here."

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