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Robert Fair was already at the end of his twelve pack when he dug up the album that he kept safely tucked away for the sake of his son. His denial ran incredibly deep at the worst of times. His wife had started the album. She was a bright and bubbly journalist with wild, curly brown hair and eyes. Finian had inherited her fair alabaster skin and the beauty mark beneath his left eye, in the same spot as her own.

As he opened the album cover, the first set of photos were of his wedding. The pictures that followed featured an adorable baby Fin. By the time that he reached a picture of a three-year-old Finian giving Arleen a kiss, the tears began to pool and fall. The journalist had been involved in a car accident that not only took her life but the life of Finian's unborn sibling. She had been four months pregnant at the time, and they didn't even realize it.

Fin had been nine years old at the time. For the first few years of her absence, Rob tried to busy himself in any way possible. He worked double shifts and ran errands. After wearing himself down, he began to look forward to the rare weekend out with his co-workers during happy hour. Occasional weekends became consistent weekends. Then, it was Wednesdays and weekends. Robert regressed further and further. His despair led him into his addiction...and his addiction fed into his despair.

"Forgive me, Fin," he whimpered. He loved his son dearly and was proud of him and his accomplishments. He ensured that the young man had a roof over his head and was fed properly, as he had vowed to the deceased Arleen to care for him. Drowning himself in memories and liquor was the only way he felt that he could still keep her memories alive in his mind's eye.

Robert felt a dizziness come over him just as a familiar figure walked right through his door and into his house. He sent a bleary glare towards a set of amber eyes. How did that jerk know where he kept the spare key? Just as his vision began to fade into darkness, his final thought was that, once again, his denial ran deeply at the worst of times.

Habacuc rushed forward to carefully peel unresponsive fingers away from the album clutched in the human's hand. The dark violet-haired Nightmare reached over to rake the sandy blonde hair back from the inebriated man's face.

"I wanted to give you time to adjust, Sir Robert," he softly stated as he leaned down to press a kiss to Rob's forehead. "But, I'm afraid that we've run out of time."

The Nightmare hefted the human up and then quickly turned around to loop both the man's arms over his shoulders. He then shifted into his feral form, ensuring that the human on his back didn't shift or slide, before enveloping them both in invisible shields and gently trotting towards the nearest dimension boundary.


"And just what is this?" Vilas questioned for the second time that day. "He hasn't even pretended to sink his teeth into my hard labor!" He was Elder Galamin's Chef. Though he had applied to work as a chef at Nightmare-owned restaurants, he was rejected because of his appearance. So, he had no choice but to work at the Unicorn-only establishments.

Vilas was a mixed Unicorn, but his looks passed just enough to make him appear like a full-blooded Unicorn. He had a set of golden Pietersite-hued eyes, finger-curled hunter green hair down to his chin, and a lovely pale skin tone that caused the goldenrod tribal moon crest on his forehead to stand out in contrast.

He was of average height, but he was svelte, which made him appear taller than he truly was. Vilas used that to his advantage, making himself appear more imposing to his Sous-chef and his team. He was also a Maiden, a secret that he guarded most carefully. Luckily, his scent was similar to desserts, which was easy enough to mask by constantly baking pastries, which he did.

Though the staff had heard tales of other Elders doing nefarious things to Nightmares behind closed doors, Elder Galamin didn't seem to partake in those kinds of things. He was dry and strict, but they had never seen him smuggle any Nightmare in off the streets.

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