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Lust and Chastity

Written by: Robin Omaka and Mika Tertius


Chapter 1, part 1

"Guess everyone's procrastinating from day one, huh?" Finian Fair mused out loud with a wry smile on his face. "Sucks that classes just had to start on my birthday, of all days."

The teenage boys waited at the corner for the light to turn green before continuing. In the far distance, Fin finally saw a group of their classmates heading towards the campus. Heh. So, Jack and he weren't the only two students trying to be on time. He was about to make some dorky joke about that when he witnessed the most eerie thing he had ever seen in his sixteen years of life. A pink-haired boy who was even shorter than him downright materialized in front of the sidewalk.

"What the-? Jack, did you just see that?"

"See what?" Jack looked around, spotting his classmates ahead. "Oh jeez, Garcia actually did shave his head! I wonder if he'll let me rub it." The older teen grinned.

Finian's eyebrows drew together. "What? Garcia? No, I mean that pink-haired kid right over there!" He pointed straight ahead of them, his public manners shoved aside, and tensed up when the boy smiled and began to walk towards him. "Oh shoot, he's coming our way."

Jack squinted at the area in front of them. Assuming his bestie was pulling his leg, he smirked and raised an eyebrow. "I don't see any pink-haired kid," Jack stage-whispered. "Is he cute?"

The navy-blue-eyed teen didn't put it past his best friend to joke around. So, when the pink-haired boy stopped before him with big, magenta eyes staring right into his, Fin felt a surge of anxiety. "Uh, h-hi? You new?"

"My name is Lee'en," The shorter stranger purred as he ran a hand through his short hair. "And I can be anything you want me to be."

Fin took a step back and began to blush. Some of his classmates had been just as forward in the past, but it still made him nervous. What kind of boldness did it take to put oneself out there without giving a darn like that?

"Jack, l-let's go get our schedules." He managed to mumble. "I-It was nice m-meeting you, Liam!" As soon as the words left his lips, he took hold of his friend's arm and urged them faster towards the campus.

"It's Lee N like the letter!" The petite newcomer called out undaunted as they retreated away from him.

The further away Finian and Jack got, the calmer the younger teenager's voice became. "G-goodness, that was so think that someone as short as him could have so much more confidence than me..." Finian snorted. "Wasn't he just a bit much?"

"Buddy..." His hazel-eyed bestie responded as Fin pulled him along. "Are you trying to get back at me for convincing you I had Legionairre's disease last month? What "disease" do you have that's giving you hallucinations of pink-haired boys?" He'd have mentioned drugs as a joke if he didn't know how firm his bestie's stance was when it came to abusing substances.

"Very funny," Fin countered, believing the brunet to be messing with him. "There's no way anyone could have missed that guy's dramatic magenta contacts. And for him to have hit on me with you standing right there? That took some guts for a newbie."

"Now he's got magenta eyes?" Jack chuckled as he threw an arm around his best friend's shoulders. "Tell me another one, Finny."

A frown marred Finian's face when he heard the slight laugh. Did Jack think he was joking, and not the other way around? "Wait, are you serious? You didn't see him?" He quickly asked aloud, seeking affirmation. "Pink-haired shortie with a pink heart tattoo on his forehead? Practically ate me with his big eyes?"

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