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Habacuc Alexander had served the Montcroix family since he was six years old. He was in his forties and was quite handsome. The scholar wore rimless glasses that framed his deep, amber eyes. His hair was a dark violet. The entire Alexander family line had assisted the Montcroix family line for centuries upon centuries. Habacuc was proud of having tutored and raised Master Alistair Montcroix since infancy. The Nightmare himself was well-educated, well-behaved, and well-groomed. The young Nightmare before him, however, was most certainly not any of those things.

"Young Master, you shouldn't pile books with red and orange covers on the ground in that manner. What if someone needs to use one of those books as research and cannot find it?" The scholar prompted.

Felix Montcroix completely ignored the man. "Habby, did you know that there was a tribe on Earth where humans ran around in nothing but loincloths around a fire?" He commented as he quickly tugged off his pants and underwear and began to skip around the pile of red and orange books. "I'm sure it went something like this!" He said as he began to wiggle his butt and dance.

"Y-Young Master!" Habacuc gasped. "I insist that you dress yourself this instant!" Though it was true that Alistair had his moments of mischief as a young child, he was most certainly nowhere near as a handful as Felix. At least, from what Habby remembered. He may have blocked out a few instances in the past.

The Nightmare teenager simply began to chant and trill as he skipped and danced about half naked.

"Felix Elliocutious Montcroix!" hissed a six foot tall Nightmare as he took in the scene upon walking into the library. The newcomer wore a business suit, had dark copper hued hair that was slicked back tidily, and a set of piercing ruby red eyes, eyes that were currently narrowed. "Firstly, it would be an insult to the culture to presume what their tribal dances would be. Secondly, it is a mockery to perform as such in the royal library, and thirdly, you are late for your dancing lessons."

"In rebuttal," Felix called while continuing to gyrate around his fire-colored book pile. "Firstly, artistic license is a thing. Two, the royal library could use some excitement." The brown-haired teen shook his ass at his ruby-eyed tutor. "And, tertiary, I am dancing right now, therefore going to dancing lessons seems a waste of time, especially considering the ridiculous monkey suit I am forced to wear while doing it." The young Nightmare threw his pants on the pretend fire. "Burn, monkey suit! Burn!"

Though Habby himself was only a few inches shorter than the red-eyed man, he had to admit that the younger scholar had a strong aura around him. Habacuc felt that there wasn't another Nightmare in the world that would have the patience to try to keep Felix in line.

The young tutor straightened his tie and posture as his eyes hardened. "My sincerest apologies, Sir Habacuc." He said with a tilt of his head as he took a few long strides towards the youth. The teenage Nightmare had chocolate brown hair and peridot green eyes. His skin was evenly tanned, as was apparent by the hue of his quivering butt cheeks. The boy was clever but rebellious. Lucien had just about enough of his misbehavior. "That will be quite enough." He ground out as he hefted the Nightmare over his shoulder and gave a sharp slap across both butt cheeks with his large hand. He then picked up the pants and underwear with the other hand as he walked all the way to the ballroom, undaunted.

Habacuc shook his head as he watched them leave, a small smile on his face. He had almost forgotten the final card that Lucien had hidden in his hand. The Nightmare began to hum to himself as he began to put the books back in their proper place.

"Hey!" Felix protested when he was picked up, before yelping at the stinging smack to his bare buns. He kicked his legs ineffectually as his tutor strode purposefully through the halls. "Lucy, come on. Let me down." Felix let out a little gasp as his body shifted, rubbing his crotch across the fine fabric of Lucien's shirt. "Unf. You better hurry or I'm going to get a chub from you bouncing me around to hump your shoulder." The teen's words were crass and bold, but a blush stained his face.

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