Ch 03

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Finian had quite the headache when he emerged from his shower in his pajamas and flopped on his bed. First, the pink-haired unicorn was all over him like he was the only human in the world, and then he went all ga-ga for his best friend! On one hand, he no longer had to worry as much about doing embarrassing things while trying to get through to stubborn invisible people. But, on the other hand, was it really the right thing to do to leave him alone with Jack? What if he drove Jack crazy? What if they got into some kind of fight?

He didn't know when the troubled thoughts faded into the background and he started dreaming. But, the next thing Fin saw was a nude man sprawled across a waterbed.

" pretty sure that I have never seen you in my entire life." Fin stated with finality.

"Why, helloooo lovely maiden," The man cooed. "Do you like what you see?"

"I'm quite sure he does not," a familiar voice boomed through the space before Alistair appeared to stand protectively in front of Finian, eyes narrowed on the young nightmare spread on the bed.

"M-Mr. Montcroix!" The Nightmare yelped as he scampered off the bed and covered his privates with his hands. "My apologies! I didn't know he was yours!" He added as he ran off and disappeared from the dream entirely.

Fin frowned, wondering what that was all about. "Was that someone you knew?" He asked Alistair as his navy blue eyes peered over at him.

"Just a young pup who should still be at his mother's knee." Alistair scowled as he walked over to the bed. "Waterbed." He snorted. "He must be from the Diego house." His voice was condescending but he couldn't keep himself from wobbling the warm surface of the bed. "They may be onto something, though..." Alistair said to himself.

Fin snickered and walked over to carefully sit and then drop back onto the waterbed. He patted the spot next to him in invitation. "I have a lot to talk to you about, 'Mr. Montcroix.'" He began. "To Montcroix your last name?"

Alistair was more than happy to slide onto the wavy bed next to his chaste maiden. "Yes. Alistair Montcroix. But I like hearing my first name from your lips."

"Alistair? Why is that?" The teenager questioned.

"It makes me feel closer you to." The nightmare rolled to his side to look Fin in the eye. "And I can imagine you calling it out in passion."

Fin's face blossomed into a pink hue. "A-Alistair..." He continued. "I was trying to tell my best friend Jack about you, but Lee'en appeared out of nowhere again and started freaking out. He even began t-to sniff me and said that I was still chaste. Do I smell funny to you?"

Alistair leaned into Finian's space, drawing in his scent. "You smell... delicious." He nuzzled in to scent behind the human's ear. "Like coffee and chocolate and caramel." Fin felt a whisper of a kiss behind his ear. "It's intoxicating."

The human's heart skipped a beat and he felt heat pooling in very embarrassing places. "B-But, is that what my 'chastity' smells like? What happens when I'm no longer a virgin?" He wondered out loud.

"The basic notes of your scent won't change, especially to the mate you choose." Alistair traced a swirling finger on Finian's hip. "But it won't broadcast like it does while you're a chaste maiden."

"Lee'en said that I had to choose someone when I turn eighteen or all of you would die." Fin relayed.

Alistair looked shocked then angry. "I can't believe he told you that."

"I-Is it true?" Finian asked, his blue eyes seeking cobalt. "I wouldn't want any of you to die just like that."

"Oh course not!" Alistair growled. "That manipulative lying little..." The nightmare took a deep breath to calm himself. "I'd like to tell you I'm surprised a unicorn would lie to you so he could pressure you into mating with him, but I'm not." Alistair sighed. "To claim a chaste maiden is the ultimate achievement for one of them. They sometimes don't even keep the deflowered maiden as a mate after taking them to bed." The look in Alistair's eyes showed his disapproval. "Here I can protect you from any nightmares that might seek you in your dreams, but I am... needed in my world during your daytime." The larger man's voice became tender as he cupped Finian's cheek. "Ask it of me, though, and I will stay by your side, day or night, for as long as you need me."

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