Chapter 2 *Rewritten*

Start from the beginning

'just ignore it Jade! You have to start your homework unless you feel like failing '


I was almost done with homework after about an hour and a half. With that bird was still there watching me, the whole time, It was pretty creepy. Then suddenly a huge pain shot threw my body and a migraine started to form. I start to feel a dull pain all over my body now but I only felt the migraine getting worse. As time passed, in what felt like hours, I felt as if my body was going into shock. I fell from the couch onto the floor facing the crow who, surprisingly, looked shocked. I was starting to coughing up blood and some black substance as I feel my chest tighten and my lungs collapsing. Losing consciousness quickly everything was getting fuzzy and black. But moments before I was sucked into darkness I heard the sound of glass breaking, and could've sworn I'd seen a figure through the fuzziness.

' I must be hallucinating '


When I woke up I was no longer on my living room floor, but upstairs in my bedroom. I looked around in my tired state and seen a man looking at me with a terrified expression.

 'my goodness he looks like a real version of Sebastian . Wait a minute...'

"Jade, I know what you're thinking-" the man said but I cut him off.

"Wait! How do you know my name!? Why are you in my house!? What-"I was cut short when I heard my dad and sister roll into the driveway in his car. The stranger looked outside then turned to me walking closer looking ready to grab me. But I wasn't letting that happen so I did the first thing that came to mind. Yell.

"no get away from me!!"

"Listen Jade, I'll come back later and explain everything" he proclaimed. I heard my dad and sister start to enter into the house. I looked at the crazy man before me, who had hope in his eyes, with a confused look on my face.

"What?-DAD!!" I yelled trying to get my dad in here as soon as humanly possible. Although Mr. creepystalker man had others ideas and ran jumping out the window the second I yelled.

 'what the hell '

my dad and sister burst threw the door.


"I don't know there was a man in here then he jumped out of my window!" He quickly ran to the window looking out confused.

"Honey, no one's out there" my sister came to my side and said,

"Sis, tell us what happened. Why are you bloody? And why is the glass door broken?" I looked up at her.

 "The glass is broken?" I questioned while she nodded and said,

"Yeah there's blood on the floor too which has a trail that leads us in here" She explained. I sighed and started to tell what happened.

 "Well first there was this annoying bird-" My dad cut me off,

"Bird?!" In disbelief.

"Yeah, It was annoying me by tapping on my bedroom window. So I went downstairs and after I thrown it out from when it flew in it stayed outside the door watching me while I did my homework. Then all of a sudden I got a nasty migraine with pain forming all over my body causing me to fall on the floor. I then started to cough up blood which probably explains why it's on my face, shirt, and the floor." I finished.

"Okay then what about the black stuff in the blood?" My sister questioned.

"I don't know" Answering truthfully.

"Do you remember anything else?" She asked suspiciously.

"Only that I started to pass out and my vision was fuzzy when I heard the glass break and saw a figure".

"If you were unconscious how did you get up here then?" My dad asked.

"I don't know when I woke up I was here and a man was in my room. He also happened to know my name which paniced me so when you arrived I yelled for you but he left by jumping out the window" He sighed.

"Alright, I'll talk to your mother, get you a doctors appointment to see whats gotten you sick, and call the cops to search for that man" I don't know what possessed me to cover for him but before I could catch myself I already screamed 'no' too quickly and loudly.

"Erm, I meant no, I didn't really see his face. He had a hood I won't be much help if the police come" I lied. Father looked at me blankly and sighed,

 "We still need to talk to your mother, get you a Doctors appointment, fix the door and get a security system in case he comes back though" 


WC: 1381 words

Last Edit: May 18, 2016

Picture in media is the sketch of Sebastian (note I am not the artist, and it doesn't belong to me neither does Black Butler only my Oc and my plot line).


My Dear Brother (A Black Butler Fanfic) ~rewriting~Where stories live. Discover now