Ch. 11: The New Boss

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Jack honestly never thought he would wake up, but he did somehow. When he did, he was back at the medical clinic, and all of his friends were there too. When his eyes opened, he turned and saw Signe sitting next to his bed. She smiled at seeing he was awake and alright. "Hey" she whispered as she stood up.

"Hey" Jack whispered back before glancing around and realizing he was still alive. "Did we win?"

"Yea, we did it, Anti's gone" she smiled. "Glad to see ur still around"

"I wasn't sure if I would be" Jack admitted as he sleepily sat up.

"Aren't you brave and bold" he half laughed, but was mostly relieved that he actually made it. "But that was still pretty scary" she noted.

"Yea it was, but it's all over now" he stated with a smile, as if now realizing that himself. Antisepticeye, the demon that had haunted Jack for so many years and caused him so much pain, was now gone. Jack had defeated him, and he could finally move on.

He got up from his bed and brought the Danish girl in for a hug. She squeezed back even tighter, almost believing he would've died last night, and he nearly did. But he was alive, and they all won. Their attention was caught by the others standing up.

"Hey" Robin said as he bro-shaked hands with Jack. "Welcome back boss"

"Thanx" Jack laughed. "Billy" he said once he noticed his new allie, and gave him a bro-shake as well. "Thanx for everything last night"

"Thanx for keeping your promise" he smiled back.

"Felix!" Jack happily cheered. "Ur still here" he pointed out, thinking he would've left right after the fight.

"Yea, I just wanted to make sure you'd be ok" he smiled.

"But you do need to go, don't you?" Jack asked.

"It's like I told you, I've got my own demons to face" he reminded.

"Well hey, if you ever need back-up, you know who to call" he stated as he held up his fist.

"Hell yea" Felix nodded as he bumped fist with Jack.

"Thanx for everything"

"You too"


The following month was mighty busy for our heroes. The people of the city were ecstatic to see the web slinging septiceye getting back to his normal routine, saving the day. As for miss Panabaker-and no they didn't forget, with the recent events that occured, as well as Jack's testimony, they were able to set, not only, her free, but many others that fell victim to Antiseptic and his antics. They were just now leaving the courthouse after being thanked multiple times by miss Panabaker and some other survivors. "Well, I guess we did our good deed for the day" Robin stated as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh I still have quite a few more to take care of later on" Jack noted. "Not to mention I gotta start showing this guy the ropes of super-heroism" he gestured to Billy.

"Well, good luck to both on that" he laughed and joined him.

"Oh, and I've been meaning to ask" Billy chimed in. "All those.....robberies and shit I used to pull-"

"Water under the bridge" Robin quickly assured. "You've got clean records, a fresh new start, whole nine yards" he stated with a smile, Billy sighing relieve.


"Don't thank him, you've earned it" Jack noted like a proud older brother.

"Hey Rob!" they heard the sound of a young girl call.

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