Ch. 5: Jack, Pewds, and the Rocket people

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Jack slowly and sleepily opened his eyes to a bright light on the ceiling above him. He squinted at the brightness for a moment before his eyes adjusted and he was able to look around. Although the septic material in Jack's body would've rejected whatever Billy stuck him with, whatever was in that dart seemed to have been strong enough to knock him out long enough to strap him to some type of table. Jack looked down his body and saw how tightly strapped up his arms and legs were, unable to break free despite his strength. He then peaked around the room he was in and it appeared to be some weird type of science lab from the looks of it.

He wasn't sure what exactly this place was though. It had the normal look of a lab, but it had all of these other weird things that didn't typically go with it. Things that looked like potions, weird looking serums, strange plans and experiments, odd as hell photographs of strange looking people and creatures, possibly both, and a long list of things that Jack was pretty sure didn't typically go with, or some even legally allowed, in a science lab. All in general, Jack really couldn't explain what the hell he was looking at, or if it even was a real lab. His attention was then caught to his right by the person lying next to him, it was that guy Pewdiepie.

"Hey, buddy" Jack whispered as he struggled against the restraints. "Dude! Uh.....Pewds, wake up man" he whispered again, and the vigilante began to open his eyes as well. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yyyea" he sleepily groaned, and then also tried to break free, only to realize that his arms were restrained just above the metal hands along with his legs like Jack. "Damnit, where are we?" he questioned after a minute.

"I don't know, I just woke up here as well" he answered.

"Man that friend of ur's is a real peace of work" Pewds sighed.

"We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't fer you" Jack quietly argued.

"Hey, I was just trying to help, and you didn't want it" he shot back.

"Because you were trying to kill him!" Jack argued a little louder this time.

"Yes and it was wrong and I'm sorry" he irritably admitted. "But I could tell that he wouldn't die and beyond that, he was trying to kill you" he quickly and angrily explained.

"Well.....wait, so you were actually trying to save me?" he furrowed his brow in disbelief.

"Yeah!" he answered like it was obvious.


"Why not?" he scoffed with a shrug. "It's no different then what you do"

Jack had to admit, though this guy didn't give a good first impression, he actually a pretty solid dude. "Thanx, really" he kindly granted. "But it seems he wasn't trying to kill me after all, which is honestly surprising" he notably added.

"What do you think he is planning?" Pewds questioned.

"The hell if I know" Jack answered.

"You have a history with this guy?" Pewds questioned again.

"Yea, but it's a long, fucked up, story that you don't wanna hear" he noted.

"I'm sure I've seen worse" Pewds assured, and received a curious look from Jack.

"Which reminds me, who are you? Or what are you? If you don't mind me asking" he questioned wondrously.

"I'm....complicated" he answered awkwardly, and they laughed.

"So I can tell" Jack added and they continued to laugh.

"The uh.....powers came with the hands, and the hands I got the last time I was in a place like this" he explained. "Which was....long before even you and ur pal, Markiplier, got ur abilities" he went on. "That's the short version of it"

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