Ch. 10: Jacksepticeye vs Antisepticeye

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Later that day, the sun was about to set, and Jack was now all suited up and ready to go. But before he could head down, join the others and ready for battle, he went back by his cousin Schneep's bed. He then gently pulled down the white sheets covering his face, revealing his peaceful, motionless, sleep-like expression.

"You told me to never give up on anyone else, not even myself, like I never did with you" Jack began. "First, I wanna thank you for not giving up on me, for always believing in me, and for always being there when I needed you" he wholeheartedly continued. "And I promise, I won't ever give up, I won't ever stop fighting, for the people of this world, my friends, or myself" he then knelt down a placed a kiss on Schneep's forehead. "I love you too cuz, now rest in peace" he pulled the covers back over Schneep's head, feeling like some weight had been lifted from his heart, and motivated by remembering everything his cousin, Doctor Henrik Von Schneeplestein, did for him.

Jack then reached down his suit's pocket, pulled out his mask and wrapped it nice and tightly around his head. He then went back downstairs to where the others were, seeing them all suited up, armed to the teeth and ready to roll. Felix still had his signature attire on while Robin had a bulletproof vest and leather jacket on with his standard issue sidearm. Billy had a new orange hoodie with his black helmet and two swords that Robin hooked him up with, and Signe had her magic wand and a black shirt with big sleeves and a white and orange W in the center with a little star right above the middle.

They all turned to Jack as he walked in, eagerly awaiting for the go ahead. "Everyone ready?" he asked and they all nodded and said yes. "Good, and thankyou much for doing this, all of you" he stated and they all smiled and nodded. "Now, let's go save the day, and put a stop to that asshole once and for all"


Now, the sun was down, night has fallen, the people of the city were awake and moving and Jack and his team of super friends were ready to do battle. All of the news people and authorities outside the city on the other hand, they have been waiting to get a response all day, and were in for one hell of a response. As soon as the city's residents were awake, the people on the streets all started marching in unison. Everyone who was in attendance, whether it was outside campers or helicopters from above, immediately had their cameras out to shoot the whole thing, all having no idea what the hell they were looking at.

But if they thought that was the strangest thing they've seen, what happened next was just flat out creepy. Suddenly, they started getting signals from the local news station. Everybody who was connected to their signal was now on standby, and reporters were getting the message to let viewers know that they were receiving their broadcast and about to present it. When the screen was first brought up to all who were receiving, it glitched and got frizzy with some bizarre images briefly popping up before the news lady appeared. However, the sight of her was beyond horrifying.

Her eyes were covered in black, and her mouth drooled of blood as she spoke. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen" she said as if she was still normal, only seeming creepier. "Tonight, we have a special... breaking news bulletin, brought to you by our new ruler, the one who now controls this world, your new master!" she announced, and then the screen started acting up again.

It went back to normal after a minute, revealing the demonic villain himself, standing in the center of the broadcasting room. "Top of the night to ya laddies, my name.... is Antisepticeye!" he stated full of pride with a sinister grin. "I'm sure you all remember what I did to your favorite boy, and I'm sure you all thought he was going to stop me, but he was weak! Nothing gets rid of me, NOTHING can stop me! This city... now belongs to me, just as this world, and all of you, now belong to me! There is no need to resist, there is no hero, no knight in shinning armor coming to save you. So give in, join me, join us, cos now, and forever, this world... belongs... to me!" he grinned pridefully.

Jack: Journey of the Septiceye {2}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang