Ch. 9: Stand back up and fight

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It was morning now and by the time the sun rose, the city's population that Anti had taken over had just stopped dead in their tracks. They didn't move or anything, they just stood there with their eyes shut and their heads tilted to the side. Luckily, however, this gave the group of heroes some time to rethink their strategy. They were all back inside the room full of beds in Schneep's clinic, thinking that would be the safest place to hide just in case. As for Schneep himself, they brought his body to one of the beds and covered him with a big white sheet. And because of Anti's attack, Jack was back in a wheelchair, waiting for his legs to heal, and still grieving the loss of his cousin as he sat by his bed.

"Authorities are still baffled by the events that occured here at Brighton last night, with an increasing number of citizens wondering 'what has happened?'" the news lady on the t.v. informed as she stood on a hill outside the city. "Officials still have yet to make any sort of contact with anyone, civilian or higher authority, within the city, and many are wondering if this may be the work of whatever attacked the famed superhero, Jacksepticeye, last night. And speaking of the city's protector, there still has yet to be any sighting of him since the horrific recordings from last night's attack, and many have already begun to fear the worst"

"I don't get it" Robin spoke up as he looked out the window, catching the attention of Signe and Felix. "Anti's on a role, then the sun rises and he just stops? What's he waiting for?" he questioned confusingly as he turned to face the others.

"Demons typically prefer to stay in the dark" Signe answered. "Aside from that, this'll give him plenty of time to store up his power, let that fear sink in to whoever's watching, and ready his next move"

"Wha-next move?" Felix asked. "But, doesn't he have whatever power he needs now?"

"Not quite, but he's very close" she corrected. "He still needs a certified way to spread himself across the world. But in order to do that, he needs to reveal himself and show everyone what he's capable of" she continued to inform, but then noticed Jack still wasn't facing her, just staring at the sheets that covered his cousin's body. She felt her heart sink for him before going over and sitting next to him. "I'm sorry Jack, I should've gotten there sooner" she emotionally stated, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It wasn't ur fault, it was mine" he replied, his voice deeper with the sadness within him. "Anti was right, I could've stopped him but I didn't, all I did was lie there and watch him take away the only family I had left" he stated, not taking his eyes off of Schneeplestein.

"Jack, this wasn't ur fault either" Signe assured, keeping her hand on his shoulder. "You didn't know how to stop him then, none of us did" she continued with urgency. "We weren't prepared, but now we are, we're ready for him" she promised, but still got no answer from Jack. Signe then grabbed his chair and turned him to where he was facing her. "It's not too late, you still can do something, we all can, and we can stop him"

"She's right man, and there's a lot of people out there who need us right now" Robin added. "So come on, let's figure out what we're gonna do, and stop this bastard"

Jack's expression didn't change though, he just glanced at everyone in the room for a moment before deciding he needed to be alone. "I need some fresh air" he noted as he began rolling past Signe, who frowned from him leaving, and rolled his way out of the room. The three people he left just stood there in silence, all looking to each other for anything encouraging, but got none of it.

Jack rolled himself up to the roof of the building, where he got a nice view of the daylight and all of the people just standing with their heads tilted in the street. He couldn't take his mind off of the fight last night, and how easy it was for Anti to beat him. Schneep was gone, Jack was back in a godforsaken wheelchair, and the odds did not seem to be in his favor. He knew Anti would likely be hard to beat, but resisting his webs, teleporting and being able to blind Septic Sam, this was all just ridiculous. And now that he had his own personal army, this just seemed flat out impossible.

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