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Finns pov

"Finn! Wake up! You doodoo head!"

I quickly woke up.

"Sky? What are you doing?"

"I stayed over last night, remember?"

I was in utter shock.

"You're-You're alive?"

She scrunched her eyebrows.

"Why wouldn't I be finnlard?"

I didn't respond.

"Are you doing okay?"


"Never mind that. Let's just listen to some songs you have here."

I smiled.

She pulled out the song we had our first kiss to.

"Remember this?" She teased

I laughed "of course, why wouldn't I?"

As the music was playing in the background she sat on my bed and pulled me closer. My head on her lap, as I was facing her.

She was running her hands through my hair,almost like she was massaging my head. It felt amazing. I wanted this to last forever.

"What did you mean by I am alive?" She asked.

"Because you died...that's what I remember."

"Oh finnlard, im not going anywhere. Must have been a bad dream." She pouted

"Yeah." I agreed.

"You make me crazy Skylinn Rogers." I said messing with the ends of her hair.

"You drive me mad Finn Wolfhard."

She hovered her lips over mine. Then I connected them roughly.

"It definitely was just a bad dream." I said

She smiled

"I love you finn, don't ever forget it."

I pecked her lips and her phone rang.

"I have to go finny boy, my mom is calling."

Her mom? Her mom is dead.

"But-" she cut me off by another kiss.

"I love you, but I have to go. Bye farquad!"

And then she was gone. She disappeared, she dissolved into thin air.

Everything was fading away. 

I actually woke up, and the real nightmare began.


Oh my god guys this is the last chapter to this book! I'm so sad to see it end.

I don't know if you guys want a sequel? I most likely won't do one.

But if I did what would you guys want it to be about?

If you want me to start making a sequel please comment suggestions!!!! 

-Comment your suggestions here-

If you don't want me to make a sequel

Comment here

This was a crazy ride! Thank you guys so so much and I hope you enjoyed reading this. It was a lot of fun to make! This is also my first completed book!

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