
15 4 1

Breanna's POV

I frantically searched the town for any sign of Airalynn. I searched the park, the little stores lined up in the busy part of town, and the cafes. But not one trace of Airalynn.

A bead of of nervous sweat was making its way down my face.

Where could she be?!

"Airalynn! You there?! "
I yelled her name not knowing what else to do. She was nowhere in sight.

I quicked my pace and made my way to the woods right of the edge of town, the only place I had yet to look.

I knew searching the woods by myself was a bad idea so I  quickly called Violet and urged her to help me.

I waited for Violet to meet me pacing around nervously thinking of all the negative outcomes for this situation.

After what seemed like eternity, Violet appeared and we made our way into the woods.

The only sounds heard were the branches snapping under our feet as we esculated to find our friend.

Will Breanna find Airalynn or will she yet to stay lost forever in the dark and lonely woods.

BrelynnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora