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Breanna's POV

It was that moment when she left that I realized I did not want to be alone. My mom had told me if I wanted to invite someone to take Airalynn's place I could.

I called my other friend Violet. She was not as close to me as Airalynn was but we did go to school together and we did talk.

She answered and I asked her if she wanted to come and spend the night. She agreed.

About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and took no time at all to answer it.

Violet had brown hair and wore all black just like me. She was pure lesbian and was gothic just like me.

"Hey, its been so long since I have been over. It's really good to see you again."

"Thanks." I said casually.

We walked into my room and sat on my bed. Airalynn's scent still lingered around the room but I strugged it off.

"Are you ok?" Violet looked at me with a concerned look.

Violet's POV

Breanna was a good friend and from the first day I met her I knew that I had some sort of connection to her. She is so cool and well beautiful.

"I'm fine..." She answered. I knew she was lying.

"No your not.. C'mon you can tell me anything. What is it?"

"Well Airalynn was just here and, I dunno, I guess since I've been really lonely lately, I thought I liked, her but when I kissed her it didn't feel like a kiss was supposed to. And I am scared of losing her friendship and being alone."

I saw a tear almost slide down her cheek.

"You will not ever be alone I will always be here for you! You and Airalynn are two of the closest friends I have ever seen in my life. She will not do that to you over a simple kiss."

"You're right.. Thanks Violet." She smiled a little. It was strange I had never seen Breanna like this before....emotional.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes and just breathed. I never wanted to leave this moment.

She removed her head from my shoulder and stared at me. I finally decided to lean in and.....kiss her.

Breanna's POV

When her soft lips met mine that was when I realized what a kiss was suppose to be like.

We finally pulled away for air. Her gaze met mine and we just stared into each others eyes.

"I really like you." Violet finally broke the silence.

"I like you too." I said, but did I really mean it?

Third Person

Is Breanna's and Violet's love for one another going to last?

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