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Co-Writer insane_beyond_belief

Breanna's POV

After a long and boring day at my devasting school I finally made it home.

I flopped on my bed and took out my phone. I noticed I had a text from Violet.

(A/N- My Kitten is Violet and Short Hottie is Breanna.)

My kitten- Hey,  I was wondering if I could come over and "study?"
                  Short Hottie-Hold on let me ask my mom.❤

My kitten-Ok😘

             Short Hottie-She said yeah. Cant wait to see ya... Love you baby

My Kitten- Ok!!😀 Love you to!!❤

I layed my phone down and waited for Violet. About 20 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I wasted no time at all opening it.

As soon as I opened the door she literally jumped on me knocking us both over. While laying on top of me she started smirking.

Before I could say anything she kissed me sending pleasure through my whole body.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself... Hehe." She smiled slightly putting her hand on the back of her neck.

"Your fine." I chuckled lightly.

We stood there for a moment until I grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room.

We didn't do much except talk and have little make out sessions in between.

I suddenly started thinking of Airalynn. Almost throwing up in my mouth just thinking about kissing her. I mean I think of Airalynn as a sister. Not anything more

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

I slowly moved my way off my bed and answered it.

When I opened it my eyes widened with shock.

There in front of me stood Airalynn.

"Hey Breanna. Your mom said I could come hangout with you for the afternoon."

I stood there frozen. Not knowing what to do.

Third-Person POV

Is this little afternoon hangout going to cause a major disaster?

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