im the one i should love

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Legs bent at an awkward angle,

Heart beats and my words tangle,

I'm at the edge,

but it's the world that hangs in the balance.

Will I stay, or will I make the whole world pay?

Will I bloom or bring down thunder and rain?

Is there a point in being someone,

when you are bound to go back to being dust?

Or does the hope live on,

through the infinite little moments that make living life a little more bearable?

Who are you to define who I must become,

when my own mind can't seem to know at all?

Who are you to push me on,

when my legs just want to tumble and fall?

Who I am


against who I could be,

And who I will become

is someone

that should never exist.

And yet I walk this path,

and I hold on desperately.

I smile, I clap, I cheer,

because my faith is strong.

My faith is deep.

My faith is me.

- inspired by the song Epiphany by Jin of BTS

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