"Is it wrong?" We tilt our heads and said it like it's just a normal fact. We talk a little longer together while teasing at Erza, Wendy and Charle about Kokuri, and then dry our body.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Wohoo! What a fest!" Natsu suddenly come with his yukata and hurrily running across me and sit down with his watery mouth.

"Natsu, do something with that mouth!" I said a little disgusted. And soon, everyone come in and sit on their seat. Wendy was beside me, Kokuri was at my right and Happy was across Wendy, at the end of table. Erza beside Natsu and Gray beside Erza. Charle was on Wendy lap since she doesn't want to sit far away from her.

"Itadakimasu!" We said as we eat our food. And Natsu as always eating the meat with Happy eagerly as the meat flying across me. Like the first we met. I sighed and then started to eat.

"Ah- Lushee . Who is this girl?" Natsu asked as the meat still in his mouth.

"Talk or eat, choose one!" And he suddenly swallowed them all and look at me to hear the answer. I sighed, "she's Kokuri." And say just like that.

"That black and cold exceed?" Gray joined too.

"Sorry for being a cold exceed. It's just my personality okay?" Kokuri sighed too and then continue eat her food. Gray soon apologized at her even he still doesn't know if she's really Kokuri or not.

Natsu just hummed and then eat his food again.

"Natsu. Why didn't you ask me again? You know, maybe she's not the real Kokuri you know? Maybe I just lied" I asked and get yelled by Kokuri.

"Why?" He asked while he's trying to bit the meat. "I know you wouldn't lie to me." Suddenly my face become hot and red.

"He likkessss youuuu." Happy and Kokuri said.

"You two stop it! And when did you learn that idiotic tease words, Kokuri!?"

"Hey! It's not an idiotic!" Happy exclaimed.

"Then, what is it?!" And then we fight again until one room fighting together.

"Wha- what a lively dinner, right Charle?" Wendy said as she look beside her.

"Yes. What a lively and idiotic dinner we have." She said.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ah, I'm full, I'm full!" We now already tidied the futons and now going to sleep. Suddenly, Natsu slide the door and grinning while gripping four pillow in his hands. His scarf was tied around his head. "Let's do pillow brawl again!" Fire come out from his mouth in excitement.

"Like I said, It's not a pillow brawl but Pillow fight, you shitty fire head!" suddenly a pillow bumped on Gray's face hardly. Gray grabbed the pillow and smirked at him.

"You..!" He was trying to throw the pillow toward Natsu, but get slipped on his futon. The pillow bumped to Erza who was just going to eat her extra desert, Cheese cake. She look at her poor cake on the floor. Gray and Natsu just muttered their curse words while backing slowly. Erza turn her head and her right eye shine in red evilly in shadow.

"Knock it off already, you two!!!" She grabbed 4 pillow and throw them to Gray and Natsu who are just running around the room to not to be hit. Gray got one pillow on his thumb and he backed a little while clutched his thumb and Natsu poorly got one pillow on his face that was burn like smoke under its and another pillow bumped his foot and he landed face first hardly. Maybe the pity people in here was me. I got hit at my forehead and now staring at the ceiling while crying with mocking tears. I got up and grabbed the pillow slowly while everyone still look at Erza now.

"Revenge!!" I throw it at Natsu who just grabbed it on time and backed more and more.

"Wendy, Charle, Happy, Kokuri too!" We smirked and yelled in unison as we throw the pillows at them. I was aiming Happy and now he's becoming one- i mean landed on the wall with cracking hole behind him as an impact while mostly his body covered by the pillow. Kokuri grabbed the pillow and throw it at me which i grab it easily. Wendy aiming Charle and she apologized her because she's too much release energy and Charle just smirked and throw it at her too.

Before we know it, we play pillow fight for so long until the pillows can't hold on and torn apart. It's a perfect timing as we maybe already tired at this game and just laying on the ground and looking up at the cotton falling slowly like some feathers just falling from the sky, it's so beautiful.

"Beautiful.." I said as I reached my hands upward, trying to grabbed the feathers.

We smiled and burst into laugh after it and slowly close our eyes.

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