Finally out the door, Jacob closed the door and placed his back against it. "Damn..." he breathed.

I let out a deep breath and held my chest. "That was scary as hell!"

He nodded. "They didn't find it though..."

"The thing is... what are we going to do now?" I asked.

It was silent for a while. "I honestly don't know... we can't just leave the body here."

"We should have just came clean.." I shook my head, placing my face into my palms."

"The hell we shouldn't. We would be in jail." Jacob said.

"Then What are we going to do Jacob!" I blurted.

"Our only choice is to ditch the body. That's all we can fucking do."

I shook my head, not knowing any other solution. "Fine. Whatever. I just want this to be over."

I couldn't believe what was happening all in one night.

"Like I said before, we can throw the body in the lake out in Riverdale. No one will ever know a thing, trust me."

I nodded. "Whatever."

"Come on." He fanned me on, going towards the kitchen.

I followed.

He grabbed some gloves out of one of the drawers and handed me a pair.

"So we won't leave any prints on him."

I nodded, pulling the latex gloves on my shaky hands.

What the fuck am I about to do?

He then grabbed a box of black trash bags and tape and then darted out into the dark backyard.

I followed behind until we were staring down at the dead corpse behind the Bushes.

Jacob sighed. "I'm sorry that you're apart of this...."

"It's ok..." I said lowly.

"You wouldn't be in this mess if I would have never talked to you. I should have just kept my distance like always. Talking to people does nothing but fuck shit up... like now. I'm not friend material."

"Jacob, everything happens for reason..." I said.

"Yeah sure." He said bluntly. "Look, I would really like it if you'd go home. I don't want you to get caught up if anything happens. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing you went down for something-"

"No. I said I'm staying..."


"Periodt." I cut him off and grabbed the trash bags from him.

He watched me as I started to pull a bag over the body's head. "Come on." I said.

He then started to help cover the body with bags.

"Ah fuck." Jacob grunted, holding his side.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm cool, my ribs still kind of hurt. I didn't get the pain killers the doctor prescribed me yet."

"Maybe you-"

"I'm fine. I've felt worse pain... plenty of times."

That sent a chill down my spine. Jacob really does have it bad... I can't help but to feel for him.



After a few minutes of wrapping the body up in numerous bags and taping it down, we were finally done.

We looked at each other.

"Ready?" Jacob asked.

I nodded.

We then grabbed the body and dragged it back into the house and into the living room.

"Damn he's heavy." Jacob heaved.

"Selena, come on." Jacob said.

Selena slowly stood up off of the couch with her hands cupped together.

I could tell by her demeanor that she was scared.

"Once we dump this body, we have to continue to act normal. As if this never happened ok?" Jacob said.

I nodded.

I don't know how I was going to that... but...

"Alright, lets get this over with.."

We dragged the body over to the door and I unlocked it, pulling it open.


I quickly looked up and my heart literally jumped into my throat.


I looked over her shoulder seeing chris standing there with a smile on his face.

"What's going on!?" My mom yelled, looking behind me seeing Jacob holding onto the body.

I stood there lost for words with my mouth parted.

Quickly looking back at Jacob, he had the same stunned look on his face.



Lol any thoughts? 👽 I know it's been a while

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