Chapter Five - Welcome Home

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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite animal
F/A/S = Favorite anime show
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
C/N = Channel name
W/N/N = Wierd nickname (Gargar ex.)
H/C = Hair color
H/L = Hair length

I was squished into a huge bear hug by my older brother. It's been forever since I've really seen the correct universe that is.

"We've all missed you Y/N. Everyone will be stoked to see you." He grabbed my hand and rushed me upstairs. He knocked on Zane's door first.

"Go away Garroth." Zane muffled from the other side of the door. I cleared my throat and said.

"It's not Garroth~" I smiled as Zane opened the door swiftly and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm going to murder you in your sleep for leaving." He whispered into my ear.

"Fair enough. Now, let's go surprise Vylad, shall we?" I replied.

"VYLAD I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU USED MY HAIRBRUSH I WILL STEAL ALL OF YOUR POP TARTS!!!" I yelled, it's a common thing in this household to yell across the house to your other siblings.

Vylad yelled back from his room, "I DIDN'T USE YOUR HAIRBRUSH Y/N.....WAIT Y/N!" He ran out of his room but tripped on his computer charger and face planted in front of me, Garroth, and Zane.

"Hey Vylad." I smiled.

~Time Skip~

"So what did you guys do about my MyTube channel? You can't just stop posting for months you know." I was sitting in the bed asking what he happened when I was away.

"Well, for MyTube we just posted prerecord and pre-edited videos. Tweeter we just posted stuff you would say. But we couldn't really do anything for your Instasnap, so that's been inactive." Garroth explained.

"Hm, seems good. And school? I missed a lot didn't I? Oh god I'm going to have SO MUCH WORK!!!" I hated school already.

"We informed the teachers on what had happened, they said it will be fine as long as you gtg a tutor to teach you everything we learned, which idk how, but I guess that's how this plot works or something." Vylad assured me.

"Phew! Thanks Author~Chan."

"Well, since today is Sunday, we all have to go to school tomorrow. Mom and Dad are on a business trip do they won't be back for a while." Garroth said once more.

~Time Skip to The Beginning of School~

I walked side by side with my brothers into the school, getting a lot of stares wasn't unusual but it felt even more weird this time around. I made it to my homeroom and sat down in my usual seat.

"WHERE IN THE NETHER HAVE YOU BEEN Y/N?!?!?" Travis yelled as he walked into the classroom.

"Long story. Good to see ya too, Mop Head." I gave him a side hug.

~Author's Note~

Ok, ok, ok, sorry for not updating. But I don't have any inspiration as of now. But don't worry, in the free coming chapters I will have much more inspiration. If ya got any ideas tell me, I could use all the help I can get.

Author~Chan out!

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