The Truth on the New Kid pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"You just met him Bucky. Maybe you just felt weird because you felt bad for him," She was scared that Bucky might be in love. Last time Bucky was in "Love" his heart was shattered so Natasha tried to look out for him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right Natasha. Sorry for bothering you."

"You never bother me, sweetie. Just go home and relax."

"Bye 'Tasha."

"Bye Bucky"

~~~ Da Next Day In Art ~~~ 

"Hey, Steve!" Bucky said excitedly as Steve wasn't buried in his hood.

"Hi, James I mean Bucky. Sorry."

"It's fine."

"I um... I have something for you," Steve said shyly.

"Cool! What is it?" Steve handed the sketch he made of Bucky over to him.

"I hope you like it." Steve still sounded shy

"Like it? Dude! I love it. This is amazing!" Bucky truly loved it. He loved the attention to detail and so many other things. That included the huge factor that it was drawn by Steve.

"Really? Thanks." Steve said with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, ummm, I was wondering if you would like to, uuuuhhhhh, if you'd like to hang out after school again?" He was nervous and grinding his teeth.

"Of course, that would be fun. Also, you don't have to be so nervous around me. I'm your friend." Bucky said smiling at Steve. He thought about how cute he was when he was nervous and how he would grind his teeth together. WAIT. No, he wasn't cute. Bucky couldn't like Steve like that he couldn't. It's like Natasha said. It's just out of pity. 


They started to walk to the cafe together. That's where they decided they would go. They sat where they did yesterday. 

"Thanks for the sketch. It's beautiful." Bucky said thankfully

"Thanks," he says. "It's only beautiful because you're in it," Steve mumbles to himself quietly. He came to the realization that he had a crush on Bucky.

"I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to hear that," Bucky comments awkwardly

"Not really," Steve says nervously as he goes to hide in his sweatshirt. Bucky again finds it cute but he wasn't going to admit that. He still didn't know how he felt.


He thought back to yesterday when Steve said he fell down the stairs. He was grinding his teeth. He was lying!

"I can't believe you lied to me!" Bucky yelled angrily. He didn't care who looked.

"What do you mean?" Steve was confused

"You said you fell down the stairs, but you didn't. Did you?" He said quieter.

"No, I didn't. I just can't tell you the actual reason." He said upset.

"Fine. I'm leaving. Don't try talking to me again." Bucky was so upset 

~~~ To Bucky's House ~~~

He ran up to his room in tears. He didn't know why he was crying he just was. Maybe it was because he lost someone he really cared about. As he sat down on his bed something crunched in his back pocket. He looked at what it was. It was the picture Steve drew of him. He broke down even more.

"Gosh dangit, why do I care so much!" Bucky mumbled to himself. He decided that he would make up to him tomorrow. He shouldn't have gotten so worked up. He should respect Steve's privacy.

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