The dining room seemed to arrive faster than she thought, and she was pushed gently into the room. Daisy's timid voice filled the wide room. "Lord Zaire, Lady Zephira has arrived." She then bowed and left the room.

The moment Daisy left the room, Zephira dropped the "innocent girl" act and plastered a neutral expression on her face. The silence that followed Daisy's departure, was deafening and awkward. Zephira could feel her master's gaze upon her figure. She could hear the steady beating of his heart. She could sense the extra presence in the room, the added heat of another body. She didn't like the silence and vulnerability she felt at that moment. Her gaze remained fixed on the floor.

Zaire could feel the corners of his lips lifting into an amused smile at the way Zephira was glaring at the ground. Not much had changed within the 2 years that he was gone. She still had the same beautiful hair, and her impossibly fair skin tone, which was obviously from that stupid father she had had. Unable to control it anymore, a small chuckle broke from his lips which made Zephira snap her head upwards to meet his eyes . He could still see the slight glint of anger in her eyes, but he chose not to comment on it.

Zephira heart couldn't have beaten any faster. She half expected it to fly out of her chest into space. She broke the silent staring contest with Zaire and observed the familiar room. It had a golden theme to it, with a long dining table which extended halfway across the room. On the table, were two plates and the necessary cutlery for the dining of two people, and her master, who was seated in front of one of the plates. The sound of someone clearing their throat brought her attention back to Zaire.

"Come sit." He gestured towards the chair next to him.

Zephira knew what he was trying to do. It was seen in the slight glint in his calculating eyes. He wanted to see if she was still the same submissive pet he had left behind years before. She wasn't. She wouldn't allow herself to be turned into a puppet again.

Crossing the room in a few short strides, she seated herself in the wooden chair across from Zaire. She snapped her fingers twice to call the maids, only to see, nor hear any response.

A short burst of amused laughter from her master had her cheeks burning in response. She glared at him from across the table and mumbled with an offended tone, "What?"

This earned her a few more bursts of laughter from his lips. "You do realise that I have dismissed the maids, and that I am the superior here. They wouldn't dare listen to you, unless they are eager in getting an early visit to the guillotine." Just to prove his point, he snapped his fingers twice, and dismissed the summoned maid once again despite the cry of protest from Zephira.

"Why did you dismiss her again? I wanted help in moving the cutlery and plates here."

To which her master said with a smug smile that made her feel extremely frustrated. "I have placed your plate in its right place, in front of the right seat which is beside mine. If you wish to make any changes, you may do it yourself."

Muffling her slight scream of anger with the back of her hand, she marched towards the seat next to her master and grabbed the plate, only to clumsily drop it on the marble floor.

At that moment, it was as if all time froze. She could almost see the plate shattering into a million pieces, in slow motion.
Just as she looked up to see a hand flying towards her cheek, a maid rushed into the room and whispered something in Zaire's ear and ran out again, to prevent getting any unnecessary punishment.

Zephira thanked the gods above for the maid's interruption. Had it not happened, she would have been laying on the floor by bow, with a red hand print on her cheek. Zaire got up from his seat without a word, and started walking out the room. He stopped just as he reached the door and said without turning around, "You better be expecting a worser punishment soon enough. I want you to be in my room at 5." Then he left.

Zephira looked at the grandfather clock at the end of the dining hall. It was now 3:30 pm. She had one and a half hours left to get ready for whatever punishment she was going to have. She ran to out the room into the rush filled corridor. Come to think of it, there were too many people around, strangely. Ignoring the feeling of dread in her stomach, she continued walking down the hallway.

Just as she was about to turn the corner, she heard hushed voices. Peeking around the corner, she could hear snippets of their conversation. "Dead...blood loss...poor baby..." Confusion filled her mind at the words she heard. Just as she was about to confront them, she saw then walk away quickly. Taking a few steps back, Zephira pretended that she was just casually walking down the hallway incase she would encounter any unexpected people. While passing by the many doors in that section of the hallway, she got a weird feeling from one of the doors. Usually, she could detect body heat and tell where the person was. But the energy she felt radiating from the door at that moment was somehow...cold. She also smelt blood.

Without a second thought, she pushed the door handle and opened the door inwards, only to vomit a lost immediately beside the new shoes that she was wearing.

There, lying in a puddle of her own blood, womb ripped out, was Daisy. The amount of time the killer took to slowly kill Daisy, was obvious, in the way that her stomach seemed to be cut almost a little too perfectly. Zephira looked away quickly before the sight of the hanging veins made her sick again.

But, the one thing that she found odd, was the fact that she could feel a slight bit of heat in Daisy's body. Usually, when a person died, she would know, as their temperature would get really low, below freezing temperatures.

There could only be one explanation. But it couldn't be possible, would it? The baby wouldn't have survived the ordeal it's mother went through. Especially since it was not fully developed yet. Daisy was still in her second trimester. But the baby is half demon.

With her feeling like her stomach was swallowing her heart, she slowly approached the corpse and looked inside the gaping hole in her best friend's stomach. Retching once again, she pinched her nose and looked closer.

There, lying in the pool of it's mother's own blood, was the cutest baby she had ever seen, if you exluded the part about it being covered in blood, that is. She picked it up gently, and much to her alarm, show noticed that it was chocking on blood! Quickly turning the baby so it's face was parallel to the floor, she gave it three hard pats on its back. And short burst of blood exited the baby's red tinged lips, followed by its sweet cries.

Much as she would love to watch the baby all day, she had a bad feeling that the baby would not be kept alive, if anyone else found out it wasn't dead. Covering it's mouth with the hem of her skirt, she ran, only to hit a hard wall. She shook her head at her clumsiness, and ran the other way, only to collide with a warm body that pulled her into one of the rooms nearby.


So, yay! This was chapter three, and if you are still here, thank you so much for staying. ❤

I had my exam for the last two weeks, which was the reason why updates were so slow. I'm stayed up writing his chapter just for you guys. I really hope you like it.

This chapter is dedicated to triciabird, for being my first commenter and voter. Thank you!

Once again, don't forget to pat that star [#preventstarabuse] and leave a comment! It makes my day so much better. :)

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