Trust no one

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Be not a puppet who's made of strings,
Be a puppet who flies with wings.



𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕟𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖

After hearing about Master Zaires arrival, Zephira ran immediately to her chamber to get dressed and to appear a bit more presentable. No matter how much she despised doing it, she had to, in order to prevent a replay of the events that happened, when she didn't do so.

Walking towards her ornately decorated gold mirror, she inspected herself. Not that anything had changed much, except for the fact that her body and facial features had matured a lot, and that her bones didn't protrude out of odd places anymore, because of Zaire's disappearance. Her eyes though, had not changed one bit. Still coloured a bright coral, it was the one feature that Zephira hated the most on her face, despite it's beauty.

Turning away from the mirror in disgust at what she saw, the young adult combed her long black hair into a loose braid and dusted her cheeks lightly with blush. She then approached her dress cupboard searching for a suitable dress to please her sir. Opening the wide doors of the cupboard, Zephira first pulled on one of the corsets that Zaire had told the maids to make her wear. Thankfully, it was to be laced at the front and not at the back, which was a great convenience to Zephira's modest nature. Wheezing from the tight fit, Zephira shuffled her way to the mirror once more to ensure that the corset was fully tightened with no gaps in between. Another mistake that her stupid young brain had made in the past. Finally satisfied with her appearance, she ran back to the cupboard as she was running out of time, and picked out a simple golden full sleave dress whose hem brushed her ankles with its ticklish white lace.

Sadness filled Zephira's heart as she gazed upon her reflection once more in the mirror. She mostly avoided looking in the mirror as much as possible, as all the reflected twin reminded her of, was her lost freedom, her kind mother whom she now barely remembers, and a product of what she had become in Zaire's hands.

Shaking away the depressing thoughts crawling into her mind, Zephira turned away from the offending object with a scowl decorating her face, only to harshly bump into someone who smelt faintly like roses.

"Daisy! Must you scare me so?" She focused her gaze on a once again blushing Daisy. That girl never looses the colour in her cheeks. Daisy, ignoring her superior's outburst, grabbed onto the sleeve belonging to the latter of the females, pulled her towards the open door and said, "Lady Zephira, you must come down immediately! Lord Zaire has arrived, and has requested your presence. He is currently waiting in the dining room."

Both females knew how impatient of a young man Zaire was. Young Zephira learnt this the hard way, when she was  minutes late for bringing her master some tea and biscuits. Let's just say, it did not end very well, and the burn scars could still be seen very faintly on her upper chest. But the house dog did end up having a fun time eating those biscuits which ended up scattered on the floor.

Zephira was feeling quite glum at this point. She had really wanted a few more minutes or freedom. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be dragged by her friend, to her impending doom. It may sound a bit too dramatic, but that's how she saw all her meetings with her master.

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