Chapter 1: hello~!

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Morning, monday, 1:00am
Hi if your wondering who i am then im you but telling my story to you cause you might've not know for what ever reason! Now lets get on to how i met my laughing jack! And don't let the name fool you cause he doesn't really laugh a lot just to funny or random reason! Well i hope ya remember today!
(y/n) POV
I woke feeling dizzy as always and go back to bed. I don't feel like going to the carnival today! Much less go to work! Ugh that alarm is so annoying! I slam my alarm clock so it would shut up and let me sleep. Then i remembered if i was late again for the 40th time ill be fired! I quickly get up and get dressed and get my car. I drive to the carnival and im early. I felt like killing someone but that wont be today......Hopefully not today. I walk to my locker and see a note on it. I grab it read it quickly and threw it away. Unless is had candy or was finally allowing to kill a child for annoying me then i would keep it but if not i throw it away. I open my locker and a bunch of garbage falls out! Me," gah! Grr! Fletcher!" fletcher," yes you called?" me," dammit fletcher i said to stop using my locker as a trash can you jackass!" fletcher," whoops! I couldn't tell which was the trash can or your locker! Sorry!" i glare at him and take out a knife in my locker. I ran at him and he runs laughing at me. Me," you've done it this time Fletcher! Now die!" fletcher," in your dreams! Im fletcher the undetector so try to catch me if ya can you bitch!" me," rot in hell you skinny ass kid!" fletcher was a five year old working for a carnival. He is my boss and i hate it! Just cause his dad owns the place he thinks he can do what ever the fuck he wants! Little brat will die today! Me," stop running and die already!" fletcher," bitch try to kill me! I wanna see you try!" me," oh i will just you see you little brat!" i tackled him and smirk as he looks at me terrified! Me," its time for bed! Nigh night and sweet dreams-" boss," what the hell are you doing to my son!" i got off him and hid my knife. Me," he had a black widow on him and i tackled him to get it off! Luckily i killed it before it hurt little ole fletcher here!" god those words are fucking damn lies! This brat will definitely die tonight! I swear on my life! Boss," black widow?! Thank you so much!" me," *hold back venom* your welcome! Now fletcher go and live on happily with the widow dead!" fletcher gets up and runs away like a coward. Me," poor fletcher! He's scared! Let me go make him feel better!" boss," no let him play around in the carnival! And look your on time today looks like you get to keep your job after all! Now get to work!" me," *eye twitch* yes sir! *anger* ill go be in the clown hall!" i go to my locker and the garbage was on the ground along with my costume. Me," another day another wish of death am i right?" i grab my costume and sigh. I wish i had a better job! This one will drive me crazy! These kids annoy me and i swear today if one brat asks me for candy -which i would gladly keep for myself- or ask me for a balloon ill kill'em! I mean who the fuck continues to ask for the same god damn thing just untill they say yes?! Its so annoying! And fletchers gonna get it! Oh ill enjoy his death that's for sure! I smiled at my thoughts and went to another locker. I open it and it has a replacement costume in case something happened to my first one. I change into it in the girls bathroom and came out looking like a depressed clown. All black an white and a small little black an whit nose with black an white sleeved shirt and leggings with white overalls. I smiled at myself as i look scary to adults but kids think im fun! Ha ray... I go to the clown hall and see fletcher there. I smiled as he is off ga all guard! I take out my knife and quietly walk up to him. My smirk grows as ill finally kill fletcher and his annoying little pranks! I grab his shoulder but only for him to fall down with a look on his face as if he choked. Me," at least he's dead? Tch! I really wanted to kill him tho! Eh one less brat to take care of i guess!" then i notice a note and grab it. It had candy on it and i happily read it.

Dear (y/n),

Hi i saw that this kid was giving you a hard time and i loved the way you chased him to kill him! Especially how you quickly came up with a lie to help yourself! That was smart! Anyways i killed the kid for you and i gotta say you look good in white and black! Oh and have some candy!

daughter of the devil!: yandere nina(lj x female reader ×offender x jeff.) Where stories live. Discover now