DP-Chapter 9

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Once we get downstares we see a burn mark on the floor and DJ is floating in the air. "Okay what happened?" I ask and DJ flies into my arms. "Uncle Dan put a bug on me." I immediately glare at Dan and he bites his lip. "I didn't think he was that scared. Come on dad, I didn't mean it." Just as he finishes his sentence a hand hits him in the back of the head.

"Any time a person says no you stop. Next time listen and we won't have this problem. Okay?" We stare at Kwan and I burst into laughter when Dan grumbles an agreement. "Dude, I should have given him to you years ago!" Dan glares at me and I just smirk. "Well, I'll be glad to keep him in line for you Danny." Kwan says and walks back into the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready by the way."


After eating the kids wanted to play in the snow so Dan, Kwan, and Ellie took them outside. Suddenly my ghost sense goes off and I groan. "Please let it be some creepy new ghost and not any of the problem makers." I grumble just as Skyllix come in followed by Skulker. "Why can't I have one day? Am I hated that much?" I ask Dash and he chuckles. "Danny I need you to watch Skillix today. Ember suddenly caught a bug and I have to watch Amber and take care of her." I smirk and say "whats in it for me?"

He narrows his eyes bur sighs and says "I won't botther you for a week." At that I smile and nod. "Their outside if ya wanna join them Sky. He nod but sits down across from us and pulls out a book.

The front door opens and in come Kellin scowling and stomping snow from his shoes. "Can't believe they...stupid snow...know I'm cold natured." He stops muttering and freezes when he sees Sky.

(Italics here means their speaking in Latin.)

"I can warm you up if you want?" Sky says.

"Sky no, he's not going to become one of your conquest."

"But uncle Danny, he's cute!" He whines but I shake my head. "Fine, but I still think he's cute. He actually look a lot like you in your ghost form. You know, when you were his age, are you sure you don't have anothher kid?"

"Dude I would have had him when I was twelve. Not to mention I didn't even have my powers then." Sky shrugs and turns to Kellin, who seems to be blushing a little. "Danny says I can't have fun with you, but your cute so I'll be around." Then he goes back to his book. Kellin come in and sits a few feet apart from Sky and I chuckle.

"He won't hurt him, will he?" Dash mumbles in my ear and I shake my head. "Sky is really mellow, which is strange because both his parents are not." The others eventually come in and Jazz decides to order pizza and I give an excuse and head upstairs. I lay back and look at the ceiling.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I here Dash and smile, rolling over. "Just thinking how things are much calmer now that Sam and I aren't forcing things. She was an amazing friend but so harsh when we were together. You know she tried to forced our kids to become ultra-recyclo vegetarians?"

He laughs and says "she was always pushing others to do things. She tried with the whole school." I nod and smile at the good old days. "I just wish she didn't become so distant. And that she tried to have something to do with the kids." He nods and sits beside me. "You know when Dax first showed up I didn't really know what I was gonna do. He has lots of problems because of his mother, and I found out later her boyfriends did some things...all I wanted to do was find them and beat them to a pulp. It was constant work with him and he scared so easily.

"I realized after a few months though that I was unintentionally pulling away from Kellin. I wasn't picking favorite or anything but I should have explained things better. There's still a riff there and it's hard to understand him and how he thinks sometimes. But in the end we both know that I love him, and I chose him, so he understands." I nod and roll on my side to face him. "It is funny how he looks so much like my phantom self did at his age. At least we know what he'll look like in the future." We laugh and I don't think about it when I lean up and press my lips to his.

Well you all finally met Skyllex! Though there will be a budding relationship between he and Kellin you won't see much of it in this book. Please enjoy. Vote and comment if you like.

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