Namjoon -school poject-

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"Kim namjoon and...." Mrs choi paused and looked around the classroom.

Her eyes stoped when she got to me. I advoided eye contact with not wanting to be put with namjoon.

Don't get me wrong he smart and all but literally all the girls drool over him, its weird and kinda annoying. I was not going to be one of those girls.

"Park y/n!" I sighed and sunk down in my seat. I looked over at namjoon. He smiled at me. Damm why are his dimples so cute. What! Stop thinking that. He's a player. Don't fall for him.

I just rolled my eyes at him and focused back to  mrs Choi. "So... these are your partners for the project. This will be 60% of your grade so I expect you all to work hard. Any questions?" No one raised there hands.

"Grate!" She clapped her hands together and sat back on her desk.

"So let's talk about the new book-" mrs Choi was cut of by the bell and everyone started packing their stuff in their bags and some already leaving the class room.

I finished packing up my stuff and Swung my backpack over my shoulder. Final last bell. That means I can finally watch that new k-drama.

But then a familiar face walked up to me. It was namjoon. Grate.

"Hey y/n right?" He said casually. Did he really not know my name. He's been in this class for a few months now. Am i really that quite?

"Umm... yeah." I said trying not to look at his cute little dimples that were slowly killing me.
Snap out of it y/n. He's a player like the rest of bangtan.

"Do you wanna maybe work on the project at my house today?" He asked. How could I say no to those dimples.

"I just like to get homework and that done quickly so it's out they way." He said fiddling with his backpack straps.

How was he even part of bangtang he's to nerdy. (Bangtan was like a gang at our school they were all players and everyone girl in the school drooled over them.) but namjoon was sweet. Maybe I had misjudged him.

"Umm. Yh whatever." I said to those irresistible dimples.

"Grate. My house isn't that far we could walk if you want." I nodded my head.

-namjoons house-

Namjoon took out his house keys and placed them into the lock and twisted it open. You walked his small apartment.

You expected him to live in a huge mansion. But I was just a simple small apartment. You didn't mind of corse.

Namjoon came inside locking the door behind him, "sorry. It's a little messy in. Haven't had a chance to clean up."

"It ok. My room is like 100x worse." I laughed and so did he.

"Hey do you want a drink or anything?" I shook my head and went to sit over on the couch.

Namjoon followed and sat beside me. I took my backpack of my back and placed it next to me and opened it up.

"Umm... so I was thinking that we could start on-" I said as I started grabbing some books and stuff we would need for the project but then I was cut off.

"Hey aren't you jimin's older sister?" Namjoon asked. Random question. I thought to myself.

"Umm Yeah. You know him?" I asked. I knew how he knew him. Jimin was in bangtan, the  schools gang of handsome teenage boys, but I didn't want to seem stalkerish you know so I played it call.

"Yeah He's in bangtan." He said. I nodded and continued to grab everything out of my backpack.

"So as I was saying we could start on global warming." I said with all my books on my lap and pens and pencils next me on namjoons couch.

"Ok. We could start with how it's affecting the planet-" namjoon said then I excitedly said, "yeah. But before we could say how it started like what started global warming."

Namjoon laughed softly, "Wow you really like geography."

I smiled and blushed at embarrassment and looked down at my lap. Then I  felt someone lift up my chin.

It was namjoon. I was starring into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. No! Nope i can not get lost in those i won't be able to get out.
But I guess It was too late. I couldn't look away.

He was looking into my eyes as well making my cheeks turn crimson red.

But then all of a sudden a pair of soft lips was on mine. My eyes widened but it felt good. Although I knew he wasn't good for me. And although I knew he would just break my heart I couldn't pull away.

He then pushed me back so my back was against the couch and he was on top.

He then started to suck my bottom lip, caressing it with his tongue and then bitting softly on it.

I winced in pain but somehow I felt pleasure from it.

Y/n this I wrong and you know it. Tell him to stop. I kept thinking this but my mouth just wouldn't listen.

I then gave in, melting into the kiss. I used my tongue to lick his top lip like he did with my bottom lip. He wrapped one hand around my waist and another round the back of my neck.

Namjoon then slid in his tongue making the kiss heated. His tongue explored every part of my mouth.


I think will leave it there. Did you like this imagine if you did comment!

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