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            Yelling woke me up the next morning. It sounded like Conrad and Bay going at it again. They were constantly fighting. It drove me nuts. Pulling away from Viktor’s hold, I quietly slid out of bed and grabbed the extra blanket that sat on the chair in the corner of the room. I wrapped it around my shoulders and groggily made my way into the living room.

            Bay stood at the front door with her arms crossed over her shoulders. Conrad stood behind the sofa with his back to me in the same stance as Bay.

            “We’re not going to put Malia in that situation, Conrad.” Bay spat out. “Her father is the chief of police.”

            “Exactly,” Conrad snapped. “He’s the chief of police! That’s more than enough reason for her to keep her mouth shut.”

            “You can’t ask her to do that, Conrad!”

            “Why the hell not?” he argued. “She’s just as much involved in this as the rest of us.”

            “She didn’t do anything.”

            “It doesn’t matter. She can’t tell him. She can’t tell anyone.”

            “We can’t ask her to do that.”

            “You don’t have to,” I said as stepped into the living room fully.

            Both Bay and Conrad turned their attention towards me.

            “You don’t have to ask me to keep my mouth shut because I wasn’t going to say anything to begin with.”

            “Malia,” Bay began but I shook my head.

            “I’m not going to say anything.” I repeated. “But I have a condition.”

            Conrad snorted out in bitter laughter. “Of course. You’re just like your sister.”

            I narrowed my eyes. “Says the guy who was in a serious relationship with her? Tell me, did you actually like her or where you just using her? And while you’re at it, tell me if you were the one who told her to get an abortion?”

            Conrad’s jaw locked. I had hit a nerve.


            “Just like her,” he spat.

            “I am nothing like Mia.” I snapped. “So you know what? You can go fuck yourself, Conrad. I’m not keeping my mouth shut to protect you. I’m keeping my mouth shut to protect us all.”

            “What’s the condition?” Viktor’s deep voice said from behind.

            I turned around and stared at him. “We point everything at Stephanie’s father. I want that bastard to rot in a jail cell for the rest of his miserable life.”

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