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A/N: I think chapters from now on are going to be short. It's easier to write and I honestly think I can get straight to the point this way without having to fill in chapters with unnecessary details and conversations. On another note, I'm sorry updates have been really slow with this story. I've just been focusing on Wanderlust a lot. If you guys want, go and check that out! I'd appreciate the support.  :)

much love. -cass.



            “What the fuck is taking you so long?” Viktor asked as he pushed open his bedroom door and spotted me sitting down on the edge of his bed. I had been up here for half an hour, staring at the bottle of spray paint in my hands.

            Thousands of questions kept running through my mind but I couldn’t seem to find my legs and march downstairs to demand what the hell was the meaning of the spray paint can in my hand.

            I looked up and met Viktor’s gaze then looked back down at the can in my hand.

            “What are you doing?” he asked eyeing me warily.

            I had always been very blunt. I hated beating around the bush. What was the point?

            “You broke into my house and vandalized my sister’s bedroom.” I told him as I lifted the can and waved it in the air.

            Viktor stood frozen at the doorway, eyes hard and emotionless. He didn’t even flinch when the words slipped out of my mouth. “Why were you looking through my stuff?”

            “Why the hell did you break into my house?” I retorted not giving a shit what he was asking me at the moment.

            “I didn’t break into your house,” he snapped as he moved further into the room and shut the door behind him.

            I should have been scared.

            I should have been freaking out.

            But I wasn’t. I was calm as ever.

            “Then what are you doing with this?”

            “It’s a spray can,” he shrugged. “Everyone owns one, Malia.”

            “I don’t.” I glared as I stood up and tossed the can onto the bed. “Did you break into my house and vandalize my sister’s bedroom?”

            “Stop talking like she’s alive!” he snapped as he moved further into the room and sat in his recliner in the corner of his room.

            I glared in his direction. “I’m not.”

            “You are.”

            “I’m not.” I argued.

            “You are.” He argued back.

            “You’re infuriating,” I snapped with a deep glare. I stepped over the dirty clothes on his floor and reached for his doorknob. I was about to turn it when Viktor’s voice rang through the room and send chills down my spine.

            “Instead of accusing me for something I didn’t do why don’t you go and ask your boyfriend. What’s his name? Oh yeah, David. Why don’t you ask David?”

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