CHAPTER 25: Jungkook End

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You looked at every single guy and slowly sat up straight a hand grabbed your head and pulled you back to the shoulder you were leaning on. Your eyes widen once you saw Jungkook smiling at you. He looked adorable in his drowsy state and you couldn't deny that. Jungkook interlocked his fingers with yours and slowly lead you out of the room and then out of the apartment. You were startled and you still couldn't start your escaping plan. Jungkook suddenly stopped and you bumped into his back.

"I'm not that stupid my dear. Try and escape. If I can't see you within the next ten seconds I'll let you free. But if you don't make it in time I'll make you mine." He said with his head held up high and his arms crossed.

"Are you serious?" you asked while he just looked at you.

"One..." he started to count and your feet began to move. You took one last glance.

"thanks?" you said while running off into the dark night.

"Two..." he still counted out loud and laughed.

"That stupid little girl." He mumbled.

"Three..." you were now running faster but you could still see jungkook from afar.

"Four..." you were now trying to think of a location you should run and decided to run to your old working place.

"five.." you lost balance and fell to the floor and winced ever so lightly.

"six..." trying to get up you found your last hope in the remaining seconds.

"seven..." that hope slowly dies as jungkook made his way towards you.

"eight..." you started to run once more while the boy behind you just took slow steps forward.

"nine..." you were almost out of reach but you slipped on a mud puddle.

"ten... you're mine princess." He ran to you and picked you up.

"Oh for FUCKS SAKE!" you screamed while feeling a needle of a syringe enter your arm. A heavy fluid went through your veins and you screamed at the pain. Your body slowly became drowsy and you vision was clouded.

"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook." You mumbled while passing out.

"don't worry dear, We'll come to that part soon." He replied to your unconscious state while smiling widely.


You woke up chained to a wall in a... Bed room. You jolted as you finally gained consciousness your eyes were closed shut as soon as a lamp was turned on. Hissing at the sudden light you slowly began to adjust and looked up.

"that little devil!" you thought while groaning loudly.

"Hello princess..." he smiled while fidgeting with something in his pocket. He pulled out a key.

"I'm sure you want to eat... don't you?" he sweetly asked while you just hissed like a wild cat from the dumpsters, you sure looked like a wild animal. Your hair was a mess and your veins were popping out. But the worst part is that your body was almost exposed. You only had your undergarments on. Jungkook kneeled down to your level and waved the key around.

"You don't look like a princess today... you should probably shower too, I got rid of your old clothes because they smelt like my hyungs. I would have get rid of the undergarments that Jin hyung brought for you too but I have to consider your privacy too don't I?" he explained while chuckling sweetly.

He pulled on the chains that were around your arms and this caused you to groan.

"too tight?" he asked while letting go of the cold metal chains. You nodded and he smiled.

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