☆ Chapter 13 ☆

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::: Cleo's POV ::: 

It took about three months for the Winchester's and Castiel to find Hannah. Once we'd found her, it didn't take long after our 'persuasion' for her to tell us where Metatron was hiding. As soon as she had told us though, Dean didn't want to allow her to live. They all made sure that before they killed Hannah, that I took her Grace. I wasn't happy about it, but after almost an hours worth of arguing with all three boys, I finally gave in, and they finally killed Hannah. We'd taken less than a day to find where Hannah had said Metatron was staying and then around another day to get ourselves prepared for the fight that was about to occur. Castiel had ordered almost all of the Angels to help us in taking down Metatron, and they quickly agreed. 

As we stood around the Motel, Sam's hand in mine and Castiel's hand in Dean's, I felt as though we almost had a chance at winning this. Looking back on it, I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Hannah's Grace would begin to drain from my body eventually, and I knew that I'd die, if I didn't get my own Grace back soon. The other Angel's, the two brothers and I formed a circle around the Motel, awaiting the signal from Castiel. The second Castiel's hand left Dean's, most of the Angels stepped forward and started towards the building. The rest remained where they were and I froze. What were they doing? Why weren't they following through with the plan?

Metatron stepped out of the Motel room and laughed at us. "What? Did you think that I wouldn't have someone on the inside? Come on! I don't give up that easy!"

Our Angels fought against Metatrons Angels and Sam, Dean and Castiel fought against the Demons that had materialised in front of Metatron as a form of protection. I glanced around frantically, trying to come up with a plan that could kill Metatron. I ran towards the boys, who were outnumbered. I felt the Angel Blade slip into my grasp and flung it at a Demon who was making it's way towards an occupied Dean. I pulled the Blade from the Demon's chest and spun around, only to bury it into another Demon's chest.

The count of the Demons was going down and it wasn't long before we were each fighting the last of the Demons and Metatron was watching. The second that I killed mine, I forced my way past the boys and flung the Angel Blade into his chest. I knew that it wouldn't kill him, but I forced myself onto his body and pressed him against the ground. As I looked over at the boys, shouting Dean's name, I found myself shocked. Crowley was helping them. I questioned why, but didn't say anything as Dean was released from the fight.

Dean forced his way over to where Metatron was laying underneath me, trying to escape and he took the First Blade from his boot. 

"You really don't want to do that," Metatron laughed. 

"Oh, I really do want to do this," Dean rolled his eyes in response and, without listening to Metatron, buried the First Blade deep into his chest. I closed my eyes against the light as the Angel underneath me was killed. 

The second it happened though, Castiel groaned loudly. I spun around and caught his head before it hit the pavement with a loud thud. Blood was pouring out of his chest and a soft, white light was spilling out of the gash. The Demon he'd been fighting was staring at Castiel, confusion written across his face. The Angel Blade he held in his hand, though, didn't have a single speck of blood on it. The Demon faced away from us and started towards Crowley and Sam.

"Castiel," I spoke loud and clear, hoping that it wasn't anything that he couldn't survive. "Castiel, I need you to stay calm."

"Cas!" Dean shouted and ran towards the man in front of me. "Cas, no."

"Dean," he murmured. 

"Cas, stay with me Cas," Dean responded, his voice cracking and a tear falling out of his left eye. 

"I'll be back before you know it," Castiel choked out a bitter laugh, and I knew it was true. Castiel had gotten out of Purgatory before and I knew he'd do it again, just for Dean. I felt tears run down my cheeks as Castiel took his last breaths. The second I looked over towards Sam, the Demon he was fighting, plunged an Angel Blade deep into his chest. 

"Sam!" I screamed, stumbling over towards the man that I loved. "God damn it!" I swore. 

"Cleo," he mumbled, "Cleo, don't bring me back again."

"What? Sam, no. I have to," I stuttered, more tears falling down my cheeks.

"Sammy," Dean and I said at the same time. My voice was quiet and broken, unlike Dean's whose was loud and frightened. 

"I can't do it again, Cleo," he gave the tiniest shake of his head. "I can't be brought back into this world again."

My bottom lip quivered and I shook my head, "Sam, I can't do this without you, and neither can Dean. Castiel is gone, we can't lose you too."

"Sammy!" Dean cried again and I felt my heart tear itself into millions of tiny pieces as he rested his head on his younger brothers chest. "Sam, please. Not you too."

"I love you," Sam smiled at Dean weakly. Sam turned his watery eyes onto me, "I love both of you."

"Sam," I cried, shaking my head at the beautiful man who was dying in front of me. Tears splattered into his body from both mine and Dean's eyes as a long, soft breath left his body. I should have known that I would be wrong. I should have known that we wouldn't win this without losing someone close to us.

Standing here now, I would give anything for Sam to come back to us, if that was what he wanted. But it wasn't, and I'm not going to go against his last words.

"We have to do something," Dean states, his voice cracking through every word that leaves his lips. He looks up at me, his expression completely broken.

"We can't," I whisper.



Oh my god guys i am so sorry it just happened im sorry im crying help

This isn't the last chapter. Well... It kind of is. There's going to be an epilogue, but that's it. This wasn't how I planned for the story to end but um... Yeah... Looks like plans change.  The epilogue should be up soon. Also, I know I changed from past tense to present tense towards the end. It was done on purpose. Like, throughout the story, she/they were reflecting on the past, and now it's the present. Feel me?

Again: I'm sorry!

Watching Over You (Supernatural FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora