☆ Epilogue ☆

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It has been exactly four years since Sam Winchester was killed by a Demon, and the Angel standing in front of his grave now still feels remorse. As she stands, tears threaten to spill from her eyes. Awkwardly holding her hands against her chest, as always, the blonde Angel tries to keep her heart from tearing itself into more pieces than what currently lay inside her chest. The younger Winchester brother is the only thing missing from her life. At least, the only significant thing.

As promised, Castiel had found his way back from Purgatory for Dean. Cleo had wished that Sam would find his way back to her somehow, but after the third year, Cleo knew that it wasn't going to happen... At least, until she situated herself in front of Sam's grave every month, as she did now.

"Sam Winchester," she sighs as she stares down at the gravestone in front of her, shaking her head softly. "So, Cas and Dean are engaged, as of a week ago." She lets out a small chuckle, which quickly drops short when she didn't hear her lover's laugh in response. "I still miss you. I would do anything to be able to bring you back without you being angry at me. It's hard. Living without you is almost impossible. Dean wants me to ignore what you said and just bring you back, and I almost agree with him... I won't, though... Because that's not what you wanted."

She shuffles her feet on the grass where she stands, before she decides to sit down next to the gravestone. As she talks about the things Sam has missed during the past month, she pulls out the weeds that threaten to grow around the grave. 

"Sam?" She sighs again and runs her fingers over the gravestone, where Sam's ashes are buried within an urn. "Dean has Cas now... I don't fit into their lives anymore..." She shakes her head and traces Sam's name. "I don't think it will be long before I'm gone. I'm not sure I can do it much longer. I'm going to give away this Grace to someone who needs it, and then hopefully I'll be seeing you."

"No you're not," a deep, familiar voice fills Cleo's ears and she spins around to face the tall, man with long, brown hair, who was leaning against a tree comfortably in front of her. 

"How?" She breathes out, her heart in her throat, thumping like there was no tomorrow.

"Cas," Sam gives her a crooked grin. "That stupid, son of a bitch."

Cleo leaps up from her seat on the grass and flings her arms around the neck of the man she loves. Sam chuckles and wraps his arms around the Angel's waist and presses his lips to hers.

"God, I love you," Cleo grins against Sam's lips. 

"Obviously," he responds, linking his hand with Cleo's ever-so-familiar one, referring to the four year old grave that stood proudly in the ground, no longer holding any significance. Cleo's eyes devour Sam's face and body, in complete awe of the handsome man that stands beside her. Staring at the stone in front of them, Sam asks a question that plagued his mind since he had been brought back to life. "How long was I dead for?"

Cleo hesitates before answering, "Four years."

Sam breathes in sharply, the intake of air making a sound loud enough for a normal human standing a foot away to hear. "And you still visit me?"

"Every month," Cleo responds tightly.

"Why would you waste that time on me?" His voice rose slightly. Sam, upset that Cleo didn't at least try to move on from him, turns his back on her.

"Because you're worth it, Sam," Cleo shakes her head at the man's ignorance. "You're worth every second of my life."

He spins around to face Cleo again, who takes his hands in hers and looks up at his handsome face. His beautiful hazel eyes look back into her bright, icy blue ones, questioning why she would even give a second glance at someone like him. A Hunter. A Killer. The guy who started the Apocalypse. The guy who used to drink Demon blood. His eyes are glassy as he stares at the tiny Angel in front of him, his long, brown, shaggy hair, falling in his face.

"Sam Winchester," Cleo starts, pulling herself closer to him. "You are the most amazing, caring, and sexiest guy on this planet," she steps up onto her tip-toes and presses a light kiss to his lips, which Sam unintentionally deepens. Cleo continues as soon as she pulls away from the handsome man. "And it doesn't matter if you hate me, if you're dead, if you're alive and well... Because I'll always be Watching Over You."




Yes I know it's horrible, and yes I know it's short. I couldn't leave Sammy dead. I started off this epilogue thinking he was going to stay dead but then I just went 'nope'. 

Thank you to everyone who has commented, voted and read this story, and the biggest thank you for all of you who read it from the start! xo I love you all.

Watching Over You (Supernatural FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz