☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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/Dedicated to @HayleyMonroe for the amazing cover on the side! Thanks again!/

::: Sam's POV :::

I glanced around in shock, and saw Cas looking over Cleo and fussing over her body. He pressed his fingers to her wrist and when he was satisfied that there was a pulse, he stormed over to me and pushed me up against the wall. 

"You are not to hurt her, you hear me?" Cas yelled. "She has done nothing but protect you and your brother for your entire lives, and this is how you repay her?"

The door slammed open and Dean barged into the room, and quickly ran over to Cas and I. He put a hand on Cas' shoulder and softly pulled him off me. "Cas, hey... We weren't sure if she was lying or not. We were just trying to get answers. We tried calling you here, but you didn't come."

Cas let go of me and turned around to face Dean. "I don't understand the problem here, Dean. I told you. Why didn't you trust me?"

"I did, I promise," Dean started. He looked hurt. "I just... I saw the way she could do the same stuff as Demons and I..."

I made my way over to Cleo as Dean and Cas spoke to each other and unlocked the chains. She backed away from me as soon as she was unlocked. "I'm not going to hurt you now, okay?"

"Right. Now, that Castiel is here, the situation magically changes," Cleo laughed darkly. "I'm not so sure I want you to be near me right now, Sam."

"Cleo..." I started, my hands up in the air slightly as I made my way slowly towards her. 

"Stay away from me please... You're scaring me right now," Cleo whispered. She had pressed herself up against the wall, fear written across her face. I lowered my hands and backed off. 

You did almost kill her, I thought to myself. I turned around to face Cas and Dean who were whispering to each other softly and I decided to walk out of the room without interrupting the two. I glanced back to where Cleo stood a moment ago and continued to walk away when I realised that she wasn't there. 

::: Dean's POV :::

I didn't actually think that Sam would try and kill her, so I left the room, but when I heard the crashing and banging in the room, I knew something wasn't right. I barged into the room, took one look at the blonde Angel slouching against the wall and ran over to Cas who was shouting at my brother. I pulled him away softly by his shoulder and he let Sam go.  "Cas, hey... We weren't sure if she was lying or not. We were just trying to get answers. We tried calling you here but you didn't come."

Cas faced me, pain written all over his face. "I don't understand the problem here, Dean. I told you. Why didn't you trust me?"

"I did, I promise," I started. I felt my heart ache as I continued to look at Cas' hurt expression. "I just... I saw the way she could do the same stuff as Demons and I didn't know for sure. You kept avoiding me, so it wasn't exactly like I could ask you for answers."

"I was busy, but I came as soon as I could... I always come when you call, how many times do I have to tell you that?" Cas sighed and looked down at his feet.

I took a step closer to him and sighed. I was vaguely aware of my little brother leaving the room. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... I just needed answers, and I wanted them fast."

Cas looked up at me and an expression crossed his features, one that I hadn't seen on his face before. "I'm sorry too. I should have come earlier."

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