☆ Chapter 6 ☆

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::: Sam's POV :::

Cleo appeared in front of me and grabbed my shoulder before I was right in front of two teenage girls who were tied up on a hospital operating chair each. They both had gags over their mouths, though no muffled sounds could be heard. I could see in their eyes that they were stubborn and that they would probably not be afraid of anything that was done to torture them. They had probably done it to others, maybe even to each other for practice, or fun and games.

“It was these two ladies who were operating the intercom, Sam,” Cleo informed me.

“How?” I asked, looking around the room. I rested my eyes on a microphone and a button. My eyes flicked up to Cleo as she held something up in her hand. An iPhone. She pressed something on the screen and the voices played quietly from the speakers in the phone. I rolled my eyes. It was a soundtrack.

 “Kristyn and Jennifer,” I started and glanced back to the two girls. “And here I was thinking that you two were the innocent ones in this.”

“Wait, are these the two girls you spoke with earlier?” Dean’s voice rang through my ears.

“Yeah. The two who wrote all the stuff on the walls and the baths,” I replied, not glancing away from the two girls. I took the gag off one of Kristyn’s mouth and she glared at me.

“I thought you were a FED,” she snapped at me.

“I lied,” I smirked at her. “I’m much more dangerous.”

“I doubt it,” she rolled her eyes. Wow, cocky even when she was tied up.

“Right. Well, you’re the one tied up and I’m the one about to kill you so I suggest you shut up and stop being so cocky. I have two Angels with me, as well as being a trained killer with my brother.”

“Angels are from stories,” she laughed.

“Whatever you would like to think,” I grinned. “Cleo… Would you like to do the honours? She doesn’t deserve to live after murdering all of those innocent people.”

Cleo glanced over at me, unsure. “I don’t know, Sam…”

I frowned. “Right… Cas?”

Cas nodded and walked over to the girl who stared him in the eyes as he walked over to her. He raised his hand and we all looked away as he used his mojo to kill the girl. We glanced back at her, or at least I did, and her eyes were missing and blood was trailing down her cheeks, replacing what would be tears on any usual day.

I walked over to the other girl and took her gag off as well.

“What the hell was that?” She shouted, tears running down her face. “You can’t just kill her like that!”

“Why not?” I asked, cocking my head sideways. “You and her killed everyone else like that. At least I let her know that I was going to do it. So, why did you two do it anyway?”

“We liked it. It was fun!” She cried and glanced back over at her friend.

“You thought murdering people in cold blood was fun?” Cleo asked, disgusted.

“Yes! They screamed and it was funny, I’m sorry,” she continued to cry.

“Well, I’ll tell you what? How about I kill you because I think the way that you cry and scream is funny? Because I think it’s funny how you cry over your friend who’s laying there dead?” Cleo shouted. “I had faith in humans! I honestly did! I don’t understand how you can all be so cold? How? You all have feelings! You all have family! People that love and care for you!”

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