☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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/Dedicated to @Lunar- for the cover on the right/

/(I know it was free but I just feel obligated to give you some sort of payment!)/

::: Cas' Pov ::: 

We made our way towards Sam's room, Dean's hand linked with mine as we walked alongside each other. We were silent, but I had something I needed to say.

"Dean?" I started.

"Yeah?" He replied, glancing over at me briefly.

I gave him a small smile and continued to walk, "I'm glad."

"For what?" He asked, sounding confused. I glanced over and saw his green eyes staring at me. 

"For us."

His lips shaped themselves into a small grin before he pulled me closer to him and pressing my lips to his. "So am I. Where would I be without you?"

"Well, Hell probably," I grinned and he let out a small chuckle and tightened his grip on my hand. We continued down the hallway, before I froze. "Um... I think we should wait until a little bit later, Dean."

"Why?" Dean asked. 

"Because we might be interrupting something if we go in right now," I continued. 

"Interrupting what?" He questioned, looking back towards the direction of Sam's door. Realisation crossed across his gorgeous face as a moan was barely heard as it exited the closed door. A grin appeared on his face and he smirked at me. "That's my boy."

I rolled my eyes and walked away from my boyfriend and towards the main room. What an adorable idiot. 


Dean and I were sitting opposite each other at a table in the main room. We were looking for another case to work on when Sam walked into the room. 

"Hiya, Sammy," Dean greeted him with a smirk. 

Sam glanced over at Dean. His cheeks were flushed slightly, though Cleo was nowhere to be seen. "Er, hey, Dean."

"Sam?" Cleo called as she walked into the main room. Sam glanced over at her and his cheeks reddened even more. "Have you seen my phone?"

"Um, no, I don't think so... Check the bathroom," Sam replied.

Dean smirked as Cleo walked away towards Sam's bathroom.  "So, Angels, huh?"

"Shut up," Sam grunted. I smiled at the two brothers. They were so opposite in ways that even the brothers themselves wouldn't notice. 

I stood up out of my chair before starting to find Cleo. "I'll be back, I just need to talk to Cleo."

Cleo was looking around Sam's room, trying to find her phone when I found her. 

"Cleo," I started.

"Hey, Castiel," she smiled at me. "Do you know where I put my phone?"

"No, sorry," I shook my head. I paused, giving her some time to look around some more while I thought of how to properly word what I was going to say next. "I'm sorry, Cleo, but I need to ask you what took your grace and what they looked like."

Cleo froze in her spot before turning to face me slowly. She studied my face for a moment while she thought. "They were Angels... I don't remember what they looked like though, I've never seen them before."

I nodded, "Perhaps later you can take me to where they were."

"Sure," she gave a small smile before turning away from me and going back to looking for her phone. I sighed and left the room, knowing she wasn't going to give me anymore information on the subject. 

::: Cleo's POV :::

I sighed in relief as my hands clamped around my phone. It took me long enough to find. I dialled Constance's number and the dial tone rang three times before she answered. 

"Cleo?" She greeted me. There was a lot of background noise, so I assumed she was around a lot of humans. Perhaps she was meeting someone. 

"Hello, Constance," I replied.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, probably wondering why I didn't just pop over to talk to her like I usually did. 

"Actually, no. I had my grace taken from me," I sighed. "I'm going to need you to take care of a few things for me until I'm back."

"Anything," she murmured, sounding apologetic. I smiled before launching into what I needed her to do.

::: Sam's POV ::: 

Being around Dean was awkward. He'd make sly remarks or innuendos every few minutes.

"Do you think-"

"Dean, shut the hell up," I snapped at him. "God, you're so fucking annoying."

Dean smirked, "I was going to ask if you thought Cleo knew the things that took her grace."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "I don't know, Dean."

"Sam?"  Cleo's voice called out from around the corner. 

I stood up from my chair, giving Dean a dirty look and headed towards where Cleo's voice had came from. I rounded the corner and laid my eyes on her. She was leaning against the door to my room with her phone in her hand. She smiled and walked over to me. 

"I've called a few Angels to help me out with a few things until I get my grace back. I've got a few trying to find out who took it and things like that, so everything should be back on track soon."

"Okay," I nodded. She gave me another small smile and went to walk into my room, but stopped halfway and spun around. 

"Would you like me to stay in another room? I'll move my things," she said as she spun back around on her heel and walked into my bedroom. 

I walked after her and closed the bedroom door behind me. I took her hand in mine. "Cleo," I started. "You don't have to move anything out of my room. You can stay in here for as long as you want."

"Are you sure?" She asked, seeming surprised. "I'll stay in another room if that's what you want," she gave an awkward laugh. "You don't have to be polite."

"I want you to," I smiled at her. She may have been almost 300 years old, but she was so naïve sometimes. Oh god... I had sex with a chick who was 300 years old. What even. 

"Thank you," she smiled back at me and tightened her hand around mine. 

"So what do you want for dinner?" I grinned as I pulled her into a hug. 

"Anything," she replied, hugging me back. The moment was quickly broken by Cleo's phone ringing. She pulled away and answered her phone.

"Wait, wait," Cleo shook her head, her face growing serious.  "What do you mean 'Metatron'?"

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