☆ Chapter 11 ☆

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Thank you all so much! Your comments and votes thrill me and make me excited to write another chapter, even if I'm completely blocked! You're all so amazing! I had to kind of force this chapter out, so I apologise if it's crappy and sorry that it's sooo short! Also, I'm thinking of going back and changing it all to third person (ie: he/she/they) or second person (ie: you). Comment and tell me whether or not it's a good idea. (: Thanks again:

::: Cleo's POV :::

It had been four hours since Castiel left, in the attempt to find the Angel who'd helped Metatron escape Heaven's jail. 

Sam was pacing around the bunker, drinking and reading through the Men of Letters' information on Heaven, probably trying to gain some sort of knowledge about the situation. Dean had given up on searching for information and was watching some television show on his laptop, while drinking constantly.

I felt so useless. I knew nothing about escaping from Heaven's jail, despite being an Angel. Or, rather, despite previously being an Angel. I walked over towards where Sam was pacing and took one of the folders from his grasp and began to sift through it, without saying a word to him. I knew he was stressed, and I didn't want to bother him or put more stress on him than I already had. 

"You don't need to do that, Cleo," he sighed and took the folder back from my hands.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed it back. "Of course I do, Sam. You're obviously stressed out, and if I can relieve even the slightest bit, then I'd be glad to." 

Sam gave me a soft smile and thanked me before turning back to his research. As I studied the pages, a mention of God made me start to think of Castiel.

Castiel was a strange Angel. He had been human once before, as well as God, and at this moment, I wasn't exactly sure what he was. He claimed to be just an Angel, but no Angel could have such power over the rest of us. He believed that he wasn't a leader, yet, he led all of us and ensured that we were all safe. He was like God, but without the title.

"I think I found something," Sam called me over, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at the piece of paper he was holding and read the words carefully.

"Only the one who locked a door may open a door."

"Whoever locked the door to the cell is the only one who can open it... Right?" I frowned.

"So, who locked it?" Sam asked me. I glanced up at him and studied his face. His eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion, his lips pursed slightly as he thought. 

"I'm not sure," I murmured. "I wasn't there. We need to tell Castiel."

"Wait!" He grabbed my arm as I turned to walk away. I turned back around to face him. He was looking down at me, concerned. "What if Cas was the one to lock the door."

Realisation hit me like a cold, hard slap across the face. "But... Castiel wouldn't..."

"How would we know?" Sam asked, his grip on my arm loosening. "Look, Cleo... You remember the last time Cas had this much power..." He trailed off. "It's possible."

And it was possible. I felt my breathing hitch. What did this mean? Did Castiel assist in taking my grace? He needed to replenish it every now and then... Would he do that to me though? "We need to tell Dean," I stammered. 

"Cleo," He snapped, grabbing my arm again, this time he held it firmly and almost painfully. "You're not thinking straight! Dean and Cas are together! If Dean know's we're assuming Cas was involved, he'll let Cas know, and we both know that he would do anything to keep Dean by his side."

I tried to pull my wrist out of Sam's steel grip, but it seemed like he wasn't going to let go of it. 

"Fine," I spoke through my teeth. "I'll find out what's happening without talking to Castiel or Dean."

"Whoever you talk to, don't let them know you going against Cas."

"I wont," I replied, tearing my hand out of his hold. I rubbed it softly, knowing it would bruise later. 

"Find anything?" Dean asked as he walked into the room. He picked up a bottle of whiskey and refilled his crystal glass halfway. 

"No, not yet," Sam replied to his brother, barely glancing up at him. 

Dean looked to me, and I smiled tentatively, knowing that I still wouldn't be able to lie to the brothers, even though my Grace was taken. 

His sipped his drink and swiftly left the room without another word. 

"I need to think. I'll see you later," I spoke softly and left Sam alone in the room. Instead of walking into another room though, I walked up the stairs and stepped outside.

Wet dirt and freshly fallen rain was the first thought that came to my mind as I inhaled the air tha surrounded me. The gravel crunched loudly under my shoes as I walked towards the nearest tree, hugging my arms around myself tightly. It was dark out, and as I leaned against the tree and glanced up through its leaves and branches, I could see stars shining gleefully. Some were brighter than others, but they were all beautifully magnificent.

As I thought, I watched the stars and couldn't help but wish that things were simple; like they were before the brothers knew about me. All I had to worry about was keeping them safe and making sure they didn't find out about me. At this moment, I might have even wished that I didn't exist.

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