• mattress •

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" I can explain" I say to Will, as he looks over at me, along with Mr Bell and Jordan.

" Jordan's already told us, it's fine" he lightly smiles while I walk over to sofa and sit next to him.

" I would've asked, but I kind of forgot" I say, biting my lip and looking back to see Cory is also walking over to the sofa and standing next to Jordan.

" It's fine, honestly Annie" Will laughs.

" I should get back to Dad, Jord, you coming?" Cory nervously asks Jordan, who looks up at Cory and then straight back at Mr Bell, who obviously knows what's going on at home, as he is clearly unsure of what to do.

" You can stay here Jordan, don't want you going back after what happened" Will says, after a slight moment of silence as Mr Bell is also unsure of what to say.

" Well I'll see you in a bit" Cory says, patting Jordan on the shoulder before running over to grab his bag and then to the door.

"Bye" He says, before opening the door, we make eye contact and he lightly smiles at me, before running out of the door and shutting it quickly behind him.

" How long?" Jordan asks, eyebrows slightly raised.

" as long as you need, you're 16 now, you can stay where ever as long as you like" Will says, nodding his head at Jordan, who's facial expression doesn't seem to change much.

" Thanks" He says, looking at Will, who is still smiling at him.

" And look Jordan, if you want this problem with your dad sorted, we can always talk to social services" Mr Bell says, leaning forward so he's closer to Jordan.

" Why would I do that?" He questions.

" It's just a suggestion" Mr Bell says.

" I don't need your suggestions" He snaps back, his expression failing to change again.

" Where's he gonna sleep?"I ask Will, trying to break the awkwardness.

" You have a spare mattress under your bed right?" Jordan asks me, which confuses me as I haven't yet looked under my bed.

" Yeah, She does" Will says, nodding his head.

" I'll just sleep in Annie's room... on the floor obviously " he shrugs, which makes me give him a confused look, slightly laughing as it's ridiculous to be sharing a room with your love interests brother, who you only met the other day.

"I mean, it would be more appropriate than sleeping next to headteachers husband" he says, which causes Will to move his eyebrows in approval.

" There is no way you can agree to that Will" I say, furrowing my brows at him.

" Well it's either that or you sleep in the bed with me Annie and he takes your whole room" Will says.

He is slightly laughing as he knows that i am totally against that idea as I hate sharing beds with people, always have, as it reminds me of the time my mother and I had it real bad, and only had a 1 bed apartment before she met my step dad that was.

" Fine" i say, standing up and heading straight for the stairs.

" You coming?" I ask him, so that he helps me pull out the mattress, to which he slowly stands up and follows me straight up the stairs.

" You've changed Cory, you know that?" He asks, as I open up my bedroom door.

" That good or bad?" I question him, as I get down onto the floor and flip up my bedsheets, to pull out the mattress that's slid underneath my bed.

" He wouldn't care about me like that. He wouldn't care about no one the way he done in the past week" he shrugs, as he gets down onto the floor too, helping me to pull out the mattress.

" Well shit then" I nervously laugh , unsure of what to say or do,  because I know I shouldn't of had this affect on Cory.

I mean I'm just a girl with no special talents, apart from I used to play the violin when I was like 10, but that's about it.

" oi?" Jordan says, snapping me out of my thoughts, as I realise I'm blocking his way of pulling out the mattress further

" Sorry" I say, shaking my head and moving myself out of the way, so we're able to pull it out all the way.

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